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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 795

Tom was so shocked by what Shane said that a bead of sweat rolled down his forehead.

“It’s pointless to talk about this now, Mr. Shane. Now that it has come to this, we should work together and figure out a way to kill both of them.”

Then, he looked at Bonnie and Ivor, his eyes brimming with menace.

“We brought with us dozens of bodyguards, Mr. Shane. And there are only two of them. We’ll just kill them right now and announce to the public that they were buried in the tunnel because of a freak accident. It’ll achieve the same result.”

Shane thought about what he said and found that it made sense.

‘Fighting with Tom wouldn’t help my situation one bit. My priority should be killing both of them now. Only then could we carry on with our plan.’

“You got a point! We’ll take care of them first and leave the rest until after that.”

“Exactly. I’m so happy that you see reason, Mr. Shane.” Tom was counting on creating a sense of camaraderie with Shane, so the latter wouldn’t blame him for anything.

‘Once that’s established, there’s no way Shane will find fault with me in the future.

‘All that’s left now is to kill off Ivor and Bonnie! As long as I keep doing everything Shane wants, he’s going to remember how useful I am when he finds success.’

The more he thought about it, the more Tom felt thrilled.

Turning around, he yelled, “Gather around, everyone!”

There were only several bodyguards with them earlier. Now, however, dozens of bodyguards came out of the mounds at his order.

They formed ranks and created a sea of black.

Ivor saw it and pursed his lips. Stepping forward, he shielded Bonnie behind his back.

“Don’t be afraid, Bonnie. I’ll keep you safe.”


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