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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 798

Clenching her fists, Bonnie started trading blows with the bodyguard.

Ivor and Jim noticed it. They wanted to go over and lend her a hand, but the other bodyguards were keeping them occupied.

Ivor was worried that she might suffer heavier injuries if this kept up. His face was filled with concern.

Even Jim was a little bothered. He dealt heavier blows by the second, doing his best to take out the surrounding bodyguards, so he could race to her as fast as he could.

However, the bodyguards just kept coming.

It was becoming clear to Bonnie that this particular bodyguard wasn’t easy to deal with.

If she had been in better shape, she wouldn’t have had any problem dealing with the likes of him. She could’ve taken on ten of them, for crying out loud.

With that said, her shoulder was injured. The fact that she stayed in the tunnel for so long meant that she was asphyxiated. So, she was not on top of her game.

It was not like she was losing ground with this particular bodyguard, but keeping him away was a little difficult.

She wasn’t too worried about it. If she was lacking in the stamina department, then she’d make up for it using her skills!

Halfway through the fight, the bodyguard was starting to realize that Bonnie wasn’t as frail as she made herself out to be. So, he, too, started getting serious.

Both of them were locked in deadly combat. At first, she could deal with him with ease. As time went by, though, she was getting more tired. At one point, she pulled her shoulder and let out a painful groan.


The bodyguard seized the opportunity. His eyes were filled with menace as he swung the knife at her.

She reacted, but not fast enough. All she could do was turn the side of her body at the knife and try to bring the damage to a minimum.

Jim noticed it almost immediately.

Chapter 798 1


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