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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 800

‘No. I have to figure something out. Jim and Ivor need a break.’

Bonnie checked her surroundings. Then, something popped into her mind and her eyes sparkled.

‘That’s it. How could I have forgotten about it? I brought with me about a dozen itching powders from Pyralis just for this occasion. The greatest part is that I’m carrying all of them with me.

‘I just have to pour them out, and the bodyguards are going to suffer an unbearable itch.

‘It’s not like we’re out of hot waters immediately, but it would give both of them a chance to take a much-needed break, at least.’

At the thought of it, she stuffed her hands into her pocket and shouted at Jim and Ivor. “Out of the way!”

They heard her and turned around. Seeing her hands in her pockets, they knew that something’s about to happen. They swapped glances and stepped aside in unison.

She pulled out the itching powder and hurled it at the bodyguards.

The bodyguards still didn’t know what happened. So, they kept charging at her.

Shane saw the moment and got a sinking feeling that something was wrong. He shouted at his bodyguards hastily, “No. Stop charging at her! Back off, now. All of you, back off!”

However, the bodyguards couldn’t stop now.


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