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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 815

“I just wanted to remind you of our bet. You told everyone to buy tech stocks and Tang Fusion Studios shares. However, both stock prices have stabilized with no sign of a sharp rise.

“So, it might be difficult for you to win. If you lose, you must honor our agreement. No excuses, Bonnie.”

After some thought, Bonnie said, “Yeah, our bet should conclude soon. Don’t worry. I always keep my word. I won’t back down, nor should you if you lose.”

Her research was nearing its final breakthrough, and she estimated it should be complete within six months. Bonnie also aimed to finish the experiment by the end of next year.

Meanwhile, Frankie thought she was just trying to irritate him. He suppressed his anger and said, “I won’t cheat if you don’t. You don’t have to worry about me.”

Bonnie shrugged. “That’s even better.”

“Hmph!” Frankie scoffed and glared at Bonnie before leaving.

Avril watched him and rolled her eyes at his retreating figure. “He rushed over to make his presence known as soon as you returned. I wonder if he has a screw loose. He does such ridiculous things every day.”

“Just ignore him. I’ll be the winner,” Bonnie said. She was too lazy to argue with him.

Avril smiled when she considered Bonnie’s multiple identities. The former said, “Of course, you have insider information. He can keep dreaming if he thinks he can beat you.”

Chapter 815 1

Chapter 815 2


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