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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 820

Bonnie’s presence was undeniably commanding. However, the disappointing aspect was that she had hidden her face by wearing a mask and sunglasses.

The crowd sighed as they murmured amongst each other.

Bonnie watched the students’ reactions and tapped the microphone to check if it worked. Then, she began her speech, “Hello, everyone, I’m Ms. Jody, your new university president. I will listen to and adopt your suggestions to address the school’s shortcomings.

“I hope everyone follows the rules and regulations to maintain a pure and clean learning environment.”

Her voice was steady yet gentle, inspiring trust and confidence. The previously lively auditorium gradually quieted down, and everyone listened to what Bonnie had to say.

She glanced down at the crowd as she spoke. Although most faces below were a blur, she also saw many familiar students. She hoped no one would recognize her to save her from needless hassle.

Bonnie felt it was best to preserve the mystery of her identity.

Trina watched from the corner as Bonnie moved, hoping to see the latter’s face.

Chapter 820 1

Chapter 820 2


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