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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 839

"Bonnie, do you see that? There's a large patch of blue barberry up ahead. My goodness, we finally found it. If we had to walk any further, my legs would have given out," Andreas exclaimed.

Bonnie laughed at his dramatic display. "Your stamina needs work. If people knew a girl outdid you, wouldn't that be embarrassing?"

"Being outdone by you is nothing to be ashamed of. I wholeheartedly admit defeat," Andreas replied cheerfully as he walked towards the blue barberry.

"Is this enough for you, or should we look for more elsewhere?" Andreas asked.

"This is plenty," Bonnie said.

She then pulled out the tools she had prepared and began harvesting the plants. The blue barberry had a layer of mucus on its surface, which was slightly toxic and would make one's hands extremely itchy if touched without gloves. Proper preparation was crucial to avoid severe itching.

This patch of blue barberry was in excellent condition, with a vibrant vitality that gave it a higher medicinal value than usual. Their journey had undoubtedly been worthwhile.

Leaning against a nearby tree, Andreas watched Bonnie intently as she carefully harvested the blue barberry. His heart began to beat uncontrollably.

"Thump, thump—" Each beat was louder than the last.

The sound pounded in his ears, making it impossible for him to think of anything other than the woman before him. From the moment he first saw Bonnie, she had deeply captivated him. Over the past few days, a feeling of infatuation had grown within him.

Chapter 839 1


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