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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 251

Chapter 251 Be Your Own Support

Hailey was calm and she looked at Polly whose eyes were the same as Owen’s. “Aunt Polly,” she spoke slowly.

“I had a food memory, remembering both kindness and revenge. For the past three years, I’ve hidden my

identity and married into the Moores family to take care of Owen, and I don’t regret it. But fate is something

that has a beginning and an end. I don’t want to go through it again after having already been hurt and

suffered.” She told what she meant.

Polly sighed lightly, “I know. When I was young. I was tougher than you are now. I couldn’t bear to lose a bit.

When Alan first got close to Maya, I couldn’t accept it. So, I got very angry and struggled. At that time, many

people advised me not to divorce. They said it was normal for men to have a mistress and I had to endure for

my kid.”

After a while, she sneered, “At that time I scorned such a statement. Because I know it is not me who has an

affair with others. Why should I bear his mistake and disloyalty? In fact, before we got married, I told Alan

that if he dared to betray me, I would dare to cuckold him. He was angry with me at the time, saying that I did

not trust him. He promised that he would never betray our marriage. However, he did not keep his word. I felt

sad because I couldn’t be disgusting as him or cuckold him.” Polly still felt pain when she talked about those old times. She narrowed her eyes, saying, “We really loved each

other for some time Probably because we had such a good iime, so when all the wonderful things were

shattered, there was a feeling of being cheated. It was unacceptable to me. At the time, I was tired of loving

him anymore. But I was also reluctant to divorce him. I always asked myself the reason. Is it because I am not

rood enough? I ask myself every moment, but I can’t figure it out.”

Hailey felt a hidden sting in her heart. She had a similar experience with Polly. Women and men were built

differently. Women were born with a stronger ability to empathize than men. No matter how sensible and

sober a woman was, when she met a man she truly liked and threw herself into a relationship, she was prone

to become emotional and vulnerable. When a woman in a relationship became worried, she would be at a lost no matter if she got little sense of

security from a man or hersell. As a resuli, she would keep doubting herself and come to a dead end. It was like

she going into a dark alley and not seeing the way ahead, however, she refused to go back and thus wasting her

time for the rest life. Until one day, she couldn’t go any further, and the man she loved told her to stop daydreaming! He told her

that their relationship was over and she should get the hell out! At that time, she was thrown away, but she

was instantly awake. Inside a relationship, whoever devoted the most first, was the loser. Hailey and Polly were both losers. Though they could submit themselves to the man they loved, they could


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