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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 252

Chapter 252 Helping Her Become a Top Star

Maya’s detention on suspicion of intentional homicide quickly topped the hot search. She used to be Universal

TV’s leading actress, a familiar figure and a beautiful woman in the eyes of the people in recent years. When the

news came out, people were shocked and couldn’t believe that Maya, who had always been dignified, elegant, pure and quiet, could be associated with “murderer”, “attempted murder” and “intentional murder”. How

could it be?

When netizens thought that this was a fake news that was put out by marketing accounts for profits, and tried

to defend Maya, a surveillance video was posted on the Internet. Everything on the video was clear and in full

HD except for the mosaic on the face of the victim and the brave rescuer. The scene il the entrance of the district was Century Mansion, a wealthy district. Many people knew that Maya

did live there. The license plate number of the BMW 7 W.IS soon found to be Maya’s. In the surveillance video,

the BMW 7 stayed at the entrance for a while. The driver crashed into the passerby though the driver knew

there was someone walking in front. Seeing was believing The video was so clear. Obviously, it was not a lake


But Maya’s loyallans insisted that this was a fake news used by somebody to smear Maya. They also said that

although the car was Maya’s, the person who drove it was not necessarily Maya. They guessed that somebody

borrowed her car to comunit the murder. Eliza, who also worked at Universal TV, as Maya’s niece, was the first to speak out on social media platforms

to support Maya. She insisted that her aunt was innocent and believed that justice finally talked! As soon as

her words were posted, she immediately attracted the support of Maya’s fans. In just a few hours, Eliza’s fans

increased by more than 100,000. She gained more and more followers, including some haters who came to

attack and scold her. But haters were also followers, showing her great popularity.

Eliza, who was new to the industry, not yet popular on Universal TV, and had no job offers, received numerous

phone calls and private messages these days. There were job offers pouring in. She was flattered to be beautiful

and elegant and was considered to be a second Maya

Eliza modestly refused at first, claiming that she had just joined the industry and was still a newcomer with

little experience and achievement. She said that she had no other intention than to support her aunt Maya. But

then more people complimented her, and she gradually believed that she was excellent. She told herself, “A

second Maya? I do not want to be a stand-in. lam Eliza, and my future achievements will definitely be more

impressive than my aunt’s.” While she was latitasizing, Alan called her. Instead of complimenting her, Alan scolded, “Are you a tool? Why

are you posting at this time? You are making things worse, Remove it quickly. If anyone asks you again, you

can say you don’t know anything about it, got it?”

Being scolded, Eliza was durnbtounded. When her parents saw the news and came back from abroad and found

hier, Eliza was still confused.

Eliza’s father asked her with a serious face. “What the hell is point on? Why was your athl detained and

charged with ‘attempted murder’ for no reason at all? Who did she want to kill? How could she be so stupid to

do it herself?”

Eliza’s mother was in a panic, saying, “My relatives and friends have all called me. How did things get so worse? Will your aunt affect you? Is there any hope for you to get a promotion at the TV station?”

In the Traditional Medicine Center, Hailey took out Charlotte’s treasured tea and made a pot of tea for Brook who was busy in front of the computer. Brook was familiar with such things. He thought he was becoming a professional media worker. Ryan was not interested in online matters. He drank the tea made by Hailey and held a pile of newspapers in his hand. While watching the social news leisurely, he signed how bad these people were and what a corrupt society it was. For him, he would like to live in seclusion happily and quietly. Brook laughed, his eyes lighting up, and he said, “Eliza is so silly.”

Hailey lifted her eyes absently and said, “Well?”


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