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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 299

Chapter 299 Save My Child

On the way back to the Garden of Rose, Hailey saw in the rearview mirror that Owen was standing there motionlessly for a long time

His figure grew smaller until it turned into a little dot and disappeared. She took her eyes back and looked at the large bouquet of pink

roses by her hand with mixed feelings in her heart.

In the past, on Valentine’s Day every year, she had hoped that he would send her a bouquet of roses like other husbands, and even one

rose would be enough.

But he had never done that. Maybe he was just unromantic by nature. She comforted herself like this. But now she knew men weren’t unromantic by nature and they just didn’t bother to do it when they hadn’t met the women who made them willing to make an effort.

She didn’t deserve it before. Now she finally deserved it, but she didn’t want it anymore. It seemed that people just couldn’t get what they

wanted when they wanted it the most. Hailey smiled bitterly.

As they said, a good marriage made one learn to love others while a bad marriage made one learn to love himself. She would spend the

rest of her life alone.

Exhausted, Hailey leaned back in the chair, closed her eyes, and wanted to rest for a while The strange thing was that her body was

exhausted, but she couldn’t fall asleep at all. As soon as her eyes were closed, she would think of the terrible scenes that she had


These memories were about her and her parents, which had been sealed by her in the deepest part of her memory. Now with Roger’s

return, she was reminded of them again. There was a fine layer of cold sweat on her forehead. She suddenly woke up when the

bodyguard reminded her softly, “Miss, we’re arriving home soon.”

The bodyguard looked at her frightened face and asked with concern, “Miss, are you alright?”

Hailey calmed herself down, wiped away the cold sweat on her forehead with the back of his hand, and said hoarsely, “I’m fine.”

The black Rolls-Royce gradually drove towards the Garden of Rose, and the dazzling headlights reflected the road ahead and the people

in front. It seemed that someone was fighting at the door of the Garden of Rose.

The bodyguard in the passenger seat squinted and said, “Who is bold enough to make trouble at the entrance of the Garden of Rose?”

Hailey looked forward and frowned. She somehow felt that the two figures in front looked like Eve and… Luca.

“Eve, I’m begging you to go back with me.” Luca begged Eve bitterly. “Today is Valentine’s Day. Please give me a chance for its sake.”

Eve turned her face away in tears, looking sad. She couldn’t help touching her belly that wasn’t protruding

Luca glanced down her hand and landed on her belly, and he blinked.

He knelt, hugged her, and pressed his face against her belly, “Even for the sake of the baby, you should forgive me. Do you want the child

to be born without a father?”

Eve’s heart ached so badly that she burst into tears. “You didn’t want me. Between Candice and me, you chose her, didn’t you?”

“Don’t talk about the gold digger Candice. She’s a bitch!” Luca cursed Candice viciously, “That woman kept saying that she loved me. But

when my family lost power, she ran away immediately for fear of being implicated. Well, I should have known that she dated me because

of my money!”


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