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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 300

Chapter 300 He Won’t Survive This Fall

By the time Hailey stopped and turned around, Eve had fainted from the pain.

Hailey frowned, walked over, and lifted the hem of Eve’s dress, only to see that she was bleeding a lot. She immediately shouted, “Go to

the hospital!

The bodyguards helped Eve into the car. When they left, Hailey looked at Luca who was curled up on the ground and said in a cold voice,

“Break his two hands and send him back to the Edwards family. Don’t let him die here. It’s bad luck.”

“Ouch!” A shrill scream pierced the night sky.

Twenty minutes later, “Ouch!” another shrill scream came from the abortion room.

When Chris and Ava received the news and hurried to the hospital, they happened to hear this miserable cry as if Eve had exhausted her

life’s strength, and it was horrifying to hear.

“Hailey.” Ava’s lips trembled, “Eve…”

Hailey’s pale face was expressionless, and she said as if describing a mathematical formula, “They couldn’t keep the baby. It’s gone.”

God! Ava couldn’t help covering her mouth, and Chris put his arm around her shoulder and comforted her softly. “Don’t be afraid. It’s fine.”

Life was so fragile. With such a kick, the eight-week-old fetus was gone.

“Chris, Hailey said suddenly.”

Chris hurriedly responded, leaned over, and asked her for instructions.

“What’s the situation in Freaktube Group now?” she asked coldly.

Chris looked at Hailey’s expression and didn’t dare to say something ambiguous. He knew what his boss wanted to hear, and he said

briefly, “As long as I make a move, I can make it go bankrupt at any time.”

“Then what are you waiting for?”

Hailey raised her eyes slightly and her eyes were red. She said coldly, “Are you waiting for it to go bankrupt itself?”

Chris was stunned and nodded quickly, “Yes, I’ll do it now!”

However, before the Freaktube Group went bankrupt, Newell and Isolde stormed in. They had just taken their son Luca into the operating

room to get his broken hands and ribs fixed. When they heard that Hailey was also in the hospital, they ran over angrily.

“Hailey!” Isolde felt so bad for her son that her eyes were red. She lost the cultivation and manners of a noble lady for many years, and

pointed at Hailey’s nose like a shrew and cursed, “You’re a black sheep. How did my son offend you? Why did you beat him like that?!

Believe it or not, I’ll call the police and arrest you!”

Ava couldn’t listen anymore and stood in front of Hailey, “Isolde, watch your tongue!”

Hailey sat on the bench, smiled nonchalantly, and said in a soft voice, “I was kind enough to spare his life. I’m sure he won’t survive this


These words were so vicious that Isolde almost fainted with anger, and Mr. Edwards’s face changed too. “Hailey, you are too arrogant!”

There was a stern look on his face, “Do you think I don’t know? Recently our Freaktube Group has been plagued with disasters, and you

did it behind my back. It’s not so easy for you to bring me down!”

“Really?” Hailey put on a contemptuous smile and said, “But I don’t think it’s difficult.”

Newell’s heart was pounding with rage, and he almost fainted. How could this damn girl be so arrogant?!

He was about to say something more when a nurse pushed Eve out of the abortion room. Eve’s face was pale as sheet, which showed the

torture she had just endured.

“Eve…” Ava walked up to her and pushed her into the ward with the nurse. Her teary eyes looked so heartbreaking


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