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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 301

Chapter 301 They Went Bankrupt

It was another busy night. What an eventful time!

Mr. Edwards and Isolde were standing at the door of the operating room with anxious faces.

Hearing Luca’s screams from the operating room, Isolde only lelt a pain in her heart She covered her mouth and sobbed, “Oh, my poor son!”

Newell was distraught, paced back and forth with his hands behind his back, and said impatiently, “Okay, our son isn’t dead yet. Why are you crying?”

“He’s my flesh and blood. How can I not feel sad?” Isolde sobbed. The more she thought about it, the angrier

she got, and she said, “Hailey is so vicious. She beat Luca up and even broke his hands. What are we waiting

for? We should call the police and arrest her.”

“Do you think I don’t want to? Didn’t you see how badly your son hurt Eve?” Newell looked cold and sneered, “1

knew that bastard was up to no good. He said he was going to see Eve to get back together with her. I thought

it was a good idea. If they could get back together, then our family and the Newman family would still be

related. For Eve’s sake, Hailey wouldn’t make things difficult for us. Maybe she would cut us some slack. But

he beat Eve and she lost the baby…


Speaking of which, Newell couldn’t wait to pull his son out of the operating room, “Even I want to beat him, let

alone Hailey!”

“Whose father are you? How can you defend an outsider?” Isolde was not happy, and she tried to defend his

son, “I know Luca’s character. He’s gentle like a lamb. If you talk to him nicely, he will not lose his temper. Eve

must have said something unpleasant to annoy him, so he hit her. Don’t feel sorry for the baby. We haven’t

done a paternity test, and we don’t know if the baby in Eve’s belly is our grandson. Probably it’s not.”

“But there is still a possibility. What if it is?” Newell was very angry, “Don’t try to defend your son. He has

become like this because you’ve spoiled him! You’re an indulgent mother!”

The old couple was talking and quarreling again. The nurse came out and reminded Newell with a frown, “This

is in the hospital. Don’t make any noise.”

Newell felt dizzy with anger. He sat down on the bench, waved his hand, and said, “I won’t argue with you.

When Luca comes out, we have to take him to the Newman family to apologize. We have to put it to rest.”

“Why should we apologize? Why should our son apologize?” Isolde’s eyes widened, “Hailey hit my son. I’m

nice enough not to ask her to apologize. She wants us to apologize to her. No way!”

“You… you’re so shortsighted!” Newell’s head ached. He rubbed his brows, and said tiredly, “The current

Newman family is not the Newman family three months ago. Hailey is no longer the innocent girl we met

three years ago. Don’t you feel scared when you see her? In just three months, I haven’t heard much, but she

joined Mr. Moore from North City and Mr. Holland from Belindao City and built a racecourse.”

Speaking of the racecourse, Isolde became interested, “Are you talking about the racecourse in the northern


“Yes.” Newell nodded heavily.

Isolde looked unhappy and said, “When I think of it, I’m angry. Today I originally invited some friends to play

mahjong, but they all stood me up. They said that there was a racecourse opening in the northern suburbs, and

they all went to participate in the event. They asked me if I had received an invitation letter, and I was so

embarrassed. Even Mrs. York from the fireworks factory was invited. I’m the wife of the chairman of

Freaktube Group, but I was not invited. It’s outrageous!”

Newell smiled sarcastically and said, “I’m the chairman of the Freaktube Group, and even I wasn’t invited, let

alone you. Hailey made it clear that she didn’t take us seriously.”


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