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One Day, I Woke Up A Werewolf novel Chapter 21

Hailey's POV

"What were you thinking?" Jaxon says barging in to my room and banging the door closed.

"I'm thinking about my friend! Or the crazy animal growls I hear nonstop!" I say making him chuckle.

"Why couldn't you just stay in your room and stop being so curious?" He asks and this time, I chuckle.

"Oh because you were going to give me all the answers?" I ask.

Jaxon sits on my bed. Letting out a loud sigh and rubbing his face.

"Yes, in time I was." He says.

"In time? In time? What about now? I have so many questions and now I'm starting to wonder about us." I say which has him getting to his feet and pulling me to him.

"What do you mean?" He asks and I pull away from him.

"I saw you today. I saw you with Azuri, alone together." I say looking down.

Jaxon's finger touches my chin and pulls my face up to look at him.

"There is nothing going on with Azuri." He says but I shake my head no.

"How can I be sure of it? When you've been with other girls when you were with her. You practically denied me in front of your friends with the way you spoke to me today." I say, feeling the tears fill up in my eyes.

Jaxon tries to grab my hand but I step back.

"I'm starting to question why you wanted us to be private. I mean, the way you said my name. It was as if I disgusted you or I was a nuisance to you." I say, this time the tears were coming out like a waterfall.

"That's not true." Jaxon tries to defend himself.

"But it is and you know it. You let Azuri push me around and your friends laughed at me. You then went on to speak to me like I'm some low life that's beneath you. I have never felt so humiliated in my life and trust me when I say I've seen enough humiliation in my life." I say, wiping the tears off my face.

"Get out Jaxon. Get out and leave me alone. I want nothing to do with you in private because you don't care about me in public." I say to him. The pain hitting me hard this time as I come to the realization that I was just a secret love affair that meant nothing to him.

"Hailey, I care about you." He says to me.

"No, you don't. I'm just one of your conquests that you dated in secret. How many others are there?" I ask.


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