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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 100

Chapter 100


Just then, Cedrick’s action was stopped by the sound of his phone beeping.

When he saw the display on the screen, he scowled.

Catelyn waited in front of the men’s toilet, but Cedrick had yet to come out with her son yet. She paced back and forth in the corridor anxiously when suddenly, she saw men exiting the bathroom, one after another. A few seconds later, Cedrick appeared before her as well.

Cedrick took the maintenance board and placed it before the men’s room. “Miles is in there, but he won’t come out. Maybe his stomach is upset, but he’s scared of seeing the doctor. I’ve cleared the bathroom out, so you can go in and wait,” he said with a scowl.

Catelyn sighed a breath of relief and looked at Cedrick with gratitude. “Thank you, but what are you—”

“My son fell off the stairs, so I need to head back right now,” Cedrick explained swiftly and left without hesitation.

She was stunned for a moment and began worrying when she imagined Ollie falling off the stairs. She wanted to ask more about what happened, but Cedrick had already left, so she could only hurry inside to look for her son.

Catelyn was worried that her son was truly having an upset stomach as Cedrick had mentioned, but she went inside to find a small head poking out of the gap of the door,

glancing around in confusion.

When Ollie realized that there was no one around, he sighed a long breath of relief. “Darling?” Catelyn ran over and squatted before him before reaching her palm to rub his belly. “Does your stomach still hurt? I’ve paid the hospital bills, so let’s go to the doctor and have him examine you once again.”

Ollie pursed his lips and refused to go out. “Where is that man from earlier?”


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