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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 99

Chapter 99

Catelyn could not seem to reach the bottom of Cedrick’s eyes or see through him. .

She let go of him in disappointment and realized that he had no reason to help her. Perhaps he was only trying to be polite by offering to come with her.

However, the moment she let go, Cedrick suddenly grabbed her hand, and his rough hand brushed past her palm. After that, he turned and entered the men’s room, disappearing before Catelyn’s eyes.

Catelyn suddenly felt like the palm he had touched felt extremely hot. Cedrick walked into the washroom and, as expected, saw a few men standing in front of the urinals. His brows twitched in response, and he was glad he had stopped Catelyn from running in.

He then turned to stare at the individual toilets.

There was a big gap between the doors and the floor, and he would be able to see the shoes and the hems of the trousers that the person inside was wearing. It was obvious that there were adults before the first few doors, except for the last one.

Behind the last door was the children’s toilet, and Cedrick spotted a pair of cute tiger slippers hanging in the air. Those apparently belonged to a child.

Behind the door, Ollie sat on the toilet, afraid of inhaling and exhaling too loudly. He was familiar with Cedrick’s presence, and as he approached, countless thoughts appeared inside Ollie’s head.

‘I can’t let him find me,’ he thought, ‘never!’ Just then, Cedrick knocked on the door in a rhythmic fashion and lowered his voice, saying,” Miles Clark?”

He stood before the door, and the unknown excitement in his chest overwhelmed him once again, so much so that he desperately wanted to kick the door open.

Ollie contemplated whether he should respond and, in the end, gritted out, “Yeah.”


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