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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 182

Chapter 182

“We will keep in touch because of some reasons at work. However, we are not considered close to each other.”

“You don’t need to be humble. I’ve heard it all. For your sake, Ceddy even ignored the four year relationship with Mai.”

Janice still had that indifferent and calm expression. There was no contempt in her tone.

Catelyn was well aware of the warning in her words. She stared at Janice with intense sincerity, and a sense of stubbornness filled her eyes.

She was not the kind of person Janice thought her to be! “I feel deeply sorry that the engagement between Master Cedrick and Ms. Clark was terminated, but I’m only an employee to Master Cedrick.”

“Alright, stop with those high-sounding words trying to fool people. Although I’m not wise, I’m a generation older than you. I’ve seen many young girls trying to rely on men to gain glory and fame with ease. I’ve never stopped these girls who want to get close to Ceddy. After all, it’s always the girls who suffer from such things.”

Janice spoke lightly. Since she had always been pale, her voice was not loud as well. When the wind blew, it seemed as if her voice was carried away by the wind altogether.

However, Catelyn could hear her words clearly, and each word hit her heart heavily. Janice coughed lightly and continued slowly, “There is never a shortcut to gain glory and fame in this world. How can you expect others to respect you if you don’t respect yourself?”

“Ms. Clark, I have a few words of advice. It’s of great importance to marry within your own class. If you have gotten enough money, you should stop to save yourself from greater humiliation. By that time, it’s you who will be embarrassed.”

Catelyn obviously felt that her whole body was icy cold.


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