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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 183

Chapter 183

Cedrick was then entrusted to Janice.

Janice had been weak and sick since she was born. She could not have children of her own due to her medical condition, so she took care of Cedrick as if he was her own son.

The two had a strong familial relationship for many years. Although they were not actually mother and son, they already saw each other like one. “Aunt Janice, you should know my temper. I never said things for fun. Especially when I said I don’t want to get married anymore,” he explained in a soft voice. Janice was still unwilling to accept the fact, even though she knew very well that Cedrick would not change his mind on this.

“But Mai has been with you for four years…” “I’ll make it up to her. You’re not in good health. The doctor said you’d better not go out so soon. I’ll send you back to Nandose Villa.” After saying that, Cedrick looked at the waiter and said, “Arrange a car for me.”

The waiter did not dare to hesitate and hurried to carry out the orders.

Janice had no intentions of returning, but her bodily condition did not allow her to be reckless at a moment like this.

She was about to persuade Cedrick again, but when she opened her mouth, her voice turned into a low cough. She clenched her fist against the corner of her mouth, and her delicate face wrinkled slightly…

Maia held Janice in a hurry.

Maia’s brain felt like it was about to explode.

Cedrick disobeyed Janice.

Cedrick even openly said that if he were not allowed to call off the engagement, he would simply replace the bride.

It was obvious that he was just humiliating her at this point! “Now that Cedrick said so, Auntie Janice, let me go back with you.” Maia bit her lips as if she had suffered a great grievance.


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