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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 191

Chapter 191 Meanwhile, at Golden Sun Kindergarten.

The afternoon sun shone gently, casting its golden light upon the flowers in the garden. Ollie came up with an excuse to go home early. Exiting the kindergarten, he then turned right and followed the trail. He was carrying a backpack with a cartoonish yellow duck pattern, which accentuated his innocent-looking face even more.

As he made a tum, Ollie sensed that there was a presence following him from a distance. He cautiously made a turn into a hidden alley.

Miles sneakily followed after him.

‘Huh? I could’ve sworn he went this way. Why don’t I see him anywhere?’ Miles thought to himself when all of a sudden, he noticed a dark figure moving toward him. With pursed lips, he switched to an offensive position to face the shadow “It’s me!” shouted Ollie as subconsciously dodged Miles’ swing in self-defense. Miles pouted and sighed in relief. “Idiot! Why didn’t you say anything if you knew that it was me? You would’ve cried if I accidentally hit you.” Ollie stiffened and blushed. “When have I ever cried?”

“No? I heard that you used to hide and cry when you were alone in Mason Mansion. Grandpa Alfred sounded pretty convincing.” Ollie was so embarrassed that he could barely stand it. “Well, Grandpa Alfred lied! I don’t cry all the time. Well…maybe only a few times.”

Of course, Ollie did not cry because he was punished; it was because he kept dreaming of his mother. Everyone else had a mother but him. He simply missed his mother so much that he could not help but sob at times. Miles’ eyes lit up like a cat about to steal a fish. “Wow! You really cried?” “You… You were bluffing?” Ollie’s expression darkened. He would always fall for Miles’ mind games as he often lowered his guard toward Miles, who was a spitting image of him. Miles lifted an eyebrow smugly. “For a crybaby like you, even if we’re twins, I’m going to be the older brother, and you’ll be the younger brother. Get it?”


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