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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 192

Chapter 192 Clearing his throat, Ollie sweetly replied as he batted his crystal-clear eyes at the doctor, “We didn’t make the wrong appointment, pretty lady. Please help us send the samples for the DNA test. We’ve already settled the payment for this, too.”

The doctor’s hand unconsciously supported the side of her face as she grinned at Ollie’s compliment.

“Not a mistake, then? Alright, I’ll make the arrangements for the procedure right away. You boys are still very young, so don’t run around, okay? Wait here for me.”

The light of the setting sun shone through the car window and lit up the inside of the car. Catelyn sat in the passenger’s seat and tried to distract herself by staring at the moving skyscrapers.

How did Cedrick find out that she was fighting Jamie for the custody of her son? Did Benjamin tell him? How could he lack professionalism to this extent?

Cedrick moved the steering wheel and drove ahead slowly, all the while glancing at her from the corner of his eye.

“Jamie had already gone to Benjamin before you did and offered him ten million to help Jamie with the case.”

Catelyn’s heart sank as she turned to stare at Cedrick anxiously. “And did Benjamin take the case?” she blurted.

Cedrick did not answer the question and, instead, said, “I can make him change his mind.”

Though Cedrick did not answer the question directly, his response indicated that Benjamin had agreed to be Jamie’s lawyer.


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