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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 199

Chapter 199 No one could notice the difference between both boys simply by their physical looks, but Catelyn was instantly reminded of the comparison between them. Miles loved spicy food, but this boy was admitted to the hospital for eating spicy food. Miles loved swimming, while this boy would rather die than go to the swimming pool in their residential area. Miles was active and wilful, so he never liked learning calligraphy, whereas this boy had perfect handwriting to the point that Miss Jane complimented him in class for his demeanor.

Ollie did not let any change in Catelyn’s expression go unnoticed; his heart raced as he noticed her scowling and pursing her lips in surprise and doubt. ‘Did she find out that I’m not her son? Will she chase me out?’ he fretted internally. “You…” She grabbed onto Ollie’s sleeves with shivering hands before continuing, “You’re not my Miles, are you?”

The last strand of hope in Ollie’s eyes faded away when he confirmed that Catelyn had learned the truth.

“I’m sorry for lying to you.” He bit his lower lip and bowed lowly at her. “I’m not Miles Clark I’m Ollie Mason.”

When her assumption was proven right, Catelyn’s eyes widened in disbelief. “How can that be possible?

‘How can these boys look exactly the same?! I’ve been mistaking someone else for my son all this while? Does that mean Cedrick took Miles away?’ She began to panic.


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