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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 200

Chapter 200 Tears welled up in Ollie’s eyes. “My mother is a forbidden topic in Mason Estate. No one would tell me who she is, and Daddy won’t let me ask about her either. The servants once joked around and said that my mom has abandoned me because she left me at the doorstep of the estate…”

He started sobbing helplessly, his shoulders shivering as he did.

Catelyn felt like a piece of her heart was ripped off at the pained expression on Ollie’s face, and she immediately reached out to pull him into her arms.

“No, you’re not an abandoned child! You have a mother, alright? She didn’t abandon you, it’s all just an accident…”

“An… An accident?” Ollie wrapped his arms around her neck and asked dazedly, “How would you know that it’s an accident, Aunt Catelyn?”

“Because…there’s a huge chance that I’m your mother, but I’ve never abandoned you!”

She did not believe that two unrelated individuals could look this alike, so the only sensible explanation would be that Ollie was the other child she gave birth to four years ago.

She had fallen down the stairs at the time and was unconscious by the time she was hurried to the hospital. When she woke up, the nurse presented her with a stillborn and told her that her baby was beyond saving.

Judging from the current situation, that was not the case. Her baby did not die and was very much alive!

Ollie had to be Miles’ twin. Otherwise, she had no explanation for this situation.

One of her twins died, and four years later, a child that looked just like Miles suddenly appeared. This could not be an accident.

“I’m sorry. I thought that you were no longer in this world throughout the years, and didn’t go looking for you. I was wrong…”


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