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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 2

Two months later, in a hospital…

“Congratulations.” The doctor handed the ultrasound scan result to Catelyn. “You’re eight weeks pregnant!”

Catelyn paled as though she had been struck by lightning. Refusing to accept it, she asked, “Could there be a mistake, Doctor?”

“The sample of your urine shows that you are positive, and there couldn’t possibly be a mistake,” the doctor answered firmly. “Besides, your insomnia and postponed menstruation couldn’t be faked, could they?”

Catelyn’s mind went blank, her hands shivering as she grabbed onto the scan result.

She got pregnant, under the circumstances of her family’s decline and the Mason family’s withdrawal from the arranged marriage.

It was from that time with Jamie two months ago… It was Jamie’s child.

The doctor seemed to be used to this sort of situation and reminded her kindly, “If you choose to do an abortion, I suggest that you do so as early as possible. Nonetheless, you’re having twins, which rarely happens, so it’s best to discuss with the father whether to keep them or otherwise.”

Catelyn did not even remember how she left the hospital.

Two months ago, her father was involved in a car accident, and the car fell into the river with him in it. Jamie took her that night but did not help the Clark family afterward.

Instinctively, she knew that Jamie’s response to this would be to have her get an abortion, but she was responsible for two lives.

Hope, however frail, rose within her as she was reluctant to take away these two lives.

However, when she arrived on the cruise ship Jamie was on and saw all the beautiful women on deck clinging onto the men, her heart froze.

“Master Jamie, here comes your fiancé,” one of the men teased inside the private room.

Jamie shoved the young model in his arms away as his lips curled into a sarcastic sneer. “Catelyn Clark?”

“Mason, come outside for a bit. There’s something I need to talk to you about.” Catelyn forced herself to look away from the filthy sight before her and stood there expressionlessly like a statue.

Jamie lifted an eyebrow and teased, “Say whatever you have to say here!”

Catelyn bit her lip wordlessly and stared at him.

Jamie smirked and mused to himself, ‘This woman was so aggressive that night from two months ago, and now she is playing innocent?’

The man next to him, who was enjoying the drama, whistled in Catelyn’s direction with a mysterious smile. “Miss Clark, are you trying to borrow money from Master Jamie because your family went bankrupt? It’s okay if he doesn’t want to, I will. But let’s get those clothes of yours off, huh? It’s just a hot day to wear so many layers…”

As he spoke, he came over to tug at Catelyn’s clothes.

The horrifying memories from two months ago flashed before her eyes, and she was instantly overwhelmed by the urge to vomit.


As the man’s hand moved toward her, Catelyn vomited at his chest with no regard to her appearance and instantly caused a mess.

“Was that on purpose?!” Furious, the man moved to slap her.

Catelyn was already weak from the pregnancy and had no means to dodge the assault. She closed her eyes to brace herself for the slap, when Jamie stood up abruptly to stop the man before dragging Catelyn toward the deck angrily.

When they arrived on the deck, he flung her toward the handrail, which shot sharp pain up her back.

“Are you pregnant?” Jamie glanced at Catelyn’s stomach and gritted out.

Catelyn felt as though he was crushing the bones on her wrist, yet she managed to squeeze a stubborn reply, “No.”

“No?” He narrowed his eyes, before continuing in a sarcastic, cold tone, “You’re just a lady without a penny to your name, and my wife has to be a lady from a powerful family. If I find out that you are secretly pregnant with my child, you should know the consequences.”


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