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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 3

Four years later, in BrightGene Group’s design department…

The company fell into mayhem as everyone fought over the chance to design the mansion for the Mason family’s young master.

The Mason family was the head of the top four families in Sapphire City, and as the young master’s four-year-old birthday approached, many of his relatives sent him gifts. Some gave him cruise ships, some put companies under his names, and others offered stock or funds as gifts.

Naturally, there were a few who bought him grand mansions.

The order that BrightGene Group received this time was to design the interior of the young master’s mansion.

“Enough!” Anne, the manager of the design department, slammed her palm onto her desk. “What’s the point of all this arguing? Look at Catelyn doing her job: designing whatever she has been assigned to and never fighting over anything! Does fighting make this more interesting to you people?”

Everyone quieted down, and Catelyn felt speechless, so she was merely spacing out.

It was the day her son started going to kindergarten, and she was worried that he might not be able to handle it.

“Don’t think that this is an easy task,” Anne continued. “The young master of the Mason family has never shown his face before in public, so who knows what he likes? If he doesn’t like the design, there might even be a chance that he destroys your career path altogether out of rage!”


Everyone realized that taking the opportunity meant that they would be working with a sleeping tiger.

“I’ll be submitting a list to the client. Anyone who wishes to join can apply for it with me over here.”

The crowd that was arguing earlier scattered, leaving behind only a few designers who were confident with their skills.

Anne nodded and placed those people’s names to the list. When she saw Catelyn sitting still, she added, “Catelyn, why don’t you try this out as well?”

Catelyn was slightly hesitant. “I have quite a lot of things to deal with at home lately, so I’m afraid I might drag everyone down…”

“You won’t be the head designer, so you’ll just be in the team for the headcount.” Anne moved her hand and added Catelyn’s name to the list as well, before submitting it to the butler that served the young Master Mason.

Catelyn did not doubt what Anne said because she had never been assigned any great task throughout her four-year employment in BrightGene.

Suddenly, her phone on the desk started ringing.

Catelyn noticed that it came from the kindergarten and, thinking something must have happened to her son, hurried over to Anne to ask for the day off, before rushing toward Golden Sun Kindergarten, where she found out that her son, Miles Clark had run out.


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