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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 259

Chapter 259

“I’ll suffocate you with my weight!”

What a boring woman.

Cedrick got up from her and stamped down his urges, while Catelyn got up on her feet and patted her dress.


The air became still all of a sudden, with only the sounds of Cedrick’s ragged breaths and two pairs of heartbeats heard.


The sound of something falling was heard coming from the master bedroom. “What’s that sound?” asked Cedrick as he looked in the direction of the master bedroom. Catelyn shuddered as she grabbed Cedrick by the wrist to stop him from going into the bedroom. “Are you sure you heard something?” she pretended to ask. “My son’s sleeping, so don’t wake him up.” “My hearing is perfectly fine.” Cedrick frowned and looked at her suspiciously. “Are you not worried that your son fell off the bed?”

Of course she was worried, but she was even more worried about him going into the room!

“Nah, could’ve just been something else that fell.”

“Are you sure? Don’t you want to go have a look?”

“I know my son.”

Catelyn regained her composure and looked around before she pointed at Cedrick’s lower part of the body and chuckled teasingly. “If you don’t mind, you can take a cold shower at mine.” Cedrick gasped silently. She dared to tease him? It was his job to do all the teasing! Cedrick’s phone rang at that moment, and he picked it up. Catelyn had no idea what was said by the other person, but Cedrick’s eyes were glued onto her.


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