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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 260

Chapter 260 The next day, Catelyn received a call from a private hospital. The DNA paternity test result was out. Catelyn’s fingers quivered as she went through the result, yet at the same time, she was oddly calm.

The result was just as she had expected.

[Probability of Paternity: 99.99%.]

Both Miles and Ollie were her biological sons. Albert must have lied to her when he told her that Ollie being at the Masons’ was an accident. Someone had taken Ollie and sent him to Mason Estate. Aside from Cedrick, she could not think of anyone else who would do this. The only explanation was that Cedrick had completely forgotten about her within four years, that he had no idea that she gave birth to twins.

It was unfortunate that Ollie was taken away the moment he was born. All Catelyn wanted to do at that moment was to fly to Mason Estate and take Ollie back to her. At that very moment, an idea crossed Catelyn’s mind. An idea, it was, but was highly risky. She thought of taking Ollie back and fleeing with him and Miles.

However, she quickly gave up on that idea.

Cedrick was too powerful, and she could never hide forever. On top of that, both her children were so young, and it was unfair of her to have them struggle with her.


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