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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 272

Chapter 272 “She’s…with you?” muttered Alice in shock. She could feel chills down her spine when she saw Cedrick staring at her, so she hurriedly smiled, stood up, and greeted Catelyn, “I’m sorry, Miss! That was very rude of me. Please, have a seat.”

That explained why Cedrick did not care about Alice when she presented herself to him; he already had someone else in mind!

Cedrick looked at Catelyn and patted the empty seat beside him. The meaning was obvious-he was asking her to sit with him.

Catelyn was in a dilemma. However, looking at Alice’s aggrieved appearance, she smiled brightly and walked toward Cedrick, sitting next to him.

Cedrick put his arms around her and could smell the faint scent of gardenias on her body. It was intoxicating, much unlike any other woman.

“Why are you here? You missed me?” teased Cedrick, thinking that Catelyn was here for him, and he held her closer to his body.

Catelyn, however, was more concerned about finding Joanne as soon as possible.

She exerted a bit more force as she tried to push him away, feeling uncomfortable in the process. There was a slight pain on her waist as Cedrick kept hugging her. Catelyn could not help but stare at him angrily.


Before she could say anything, Cedrick leaned over and whispered to her ear, “Stop moving, or I’ll kiss you right here and now.” Catelyn’s eyes widened as she was at a loss for words. She knew Cedrick was not joking; she knew he could and would do it. Catelyn slightly turned her head away and whispered back to Cedrick, “I wasn’t here for you.”

Cedrick’s eyes sank.


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