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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 273

Chapter 273

Edwin raised his eyelids, returning to his usual impish self. “The internet has shown Joanne’s true colors. That woman has a messy life, and she often sells her privacy for money to gain fame and popularity. I don’t want the Barricade Club’s reputation and, more importantly, our customer’s privacy to be compromised just because of her.” Catelyn instinctively shot up from her seat upon hearing Edwin’s response. Those comments about Joanne aren’t true at all; they’re all biased!”

Since Catelyn knew that Joanne had been kicked out, she was concerned about her whereabouts.

Feeling worried, Catelyn pushed Cedrick away and was about to leave the place to continue looking for Joanne when someone grabbed her wrist. She turned and noticed that it was Cedrick

“Where are you going?” he asked, staring at her. “Joanne is my friend. I’m going to find her,” replied Catelyn

Catelyn removed Cedrick’s hand away from her and left without looking back

Cedrick remained seated. He thought that she came to look for him, but that did not seem to be the case anymore.

Edwin stared at Catelyn’s back as she left, rubbing his temples as he asked Cedrick irritably, ** Aren’t you going after her?” “You can’t just chase after a woman like that,” said Cedrick as he frowned

Edwin rolled his eyes.

Everybody knew he had broken up his engagement with Maia for Catelyn, so why did he not go after her?


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