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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 285

Chapter 285 Catelyn’s expression froze as she hastily pushed Joanne out. “Why are you here? Go, go! I’m a little caught up right now.”

“Don’t worry. Miles has told me that you’re very busy right now.” Joanne then winked at her and pushed the luggage to her. “Here, this is your present. I’ll get going!”

Catelyn did not think too much about it. After all, Joanne frequently gifted her presents from time to time.

She took the luggage in and threw her a glance, signaling she should leave.

She was in such a hurry that she did not notice the cunning look on Joanne’s face, how her eyes curved into crescents as she said, “I won’t disturb your precious time with the mysterious man. Though, I am quite curious who this ‘Big Demon’ is that Miles keeps talking about.”

What answered her was Catelyn’s door slamming shut. Catelyn felt something was off when she dragged the luggage into the room. Why was the luggage so heavy? It did not feel like clothes or the likes.

Finally, she dragged the luggage across the living room. There was still a pile of clothes sitting on her couch, so she settled in one corner and pulled open the luggage.

Suddenly, a tiny fleshy hand reached out from within and grabbed Catelyn by the wrist, and Catelyn almost let out a shriek.


The zipper was only pulled halfway, too. The tiny hand helped himself to unzip the bag entirely. “I’ve gifted myself to you, Mommy! Do you like it?” Miles sat up in the luggage, his tiny pink lips parting as he gasped for air.

He was so tiny that there was still ample room in the luggage after stuffing him in. Nonetheless, it was stuffy.

Catelyn did not expect it to be Miles in the luggage, and she stuttered, “Why… Why are you back? Big Demon is at home! Quick, go hide-I’ll send you back to Joanne’s.”

Miles blinked innocently, tugging and swinging her hand. “No. I purposely asked Godmother to send me back here so I can protect you. Big Demon doesn’t have good intentions, and I can never let you be alone with him.”

“What if you get busted?” challenged Catelyn. She tried not to raise her voice, and it sounded weird.


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