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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 286

Chapter 286 Catelyn flinched. She was only caring about him. Why did Cedrick look at her so sharply? Cedrick pulled his tie open elegantly and placed his coat over the back of the chair, then rolled his sleeves up his elbow, exposing a small section of his muscular wrist. “Get me some medicine first,” he spoke, his voice sounding rather husky.

Could he have gotten the flu because of her?

If it were not for her, would he be pestered by Lola at the Barricade Club and caught a cold after?

Catelyn could not understand him.

She nodded and glanced at the suitcase from the corner of her eye before she went to get the medicine from the first-aid box under her television cabinet.

She had a few types of flu medicine ready at home, ranging from ordinary ones to super effective ones.

Her fingertip hovered over the regular flu medicine before she settled for the super-effective one. This one would make the consumer drowsy, though.

Since Cedrick did not seem to be leaving anytime soon, she decided to let him fall asleep.

Catelyn prepared a simple meal for them both.

She finished her meal quicker as she was worried her son was starving. She kept checking the time and was expecting that within half an hour, Cedrick’s medicine would kick in. Cedrick’s appetite was similar to Ollie’s; he liked simple, bland dishes. Hence, Catelyn did not make something too flavourful for the dinner.

He ate quietly with his cutlery without making any remarks. However, he did not pause at all while eating.


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