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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 315

Chapter 315

Lola felt as though her soul had left her body.

However, in just two seconds, she gathered her composure and stared at the employee suspiciously.

“How much did Catelyn pay you to slander me? A hundred thousand? Three hundred thousand? If you tell the truth now, I’ll pay you double the amount!”

The employee understood what she was implying, but what use did money have at that moment?

Both Edwin and Cedrick were glaring at her, and if she teamed up with Lola to attack Catelyn, she would not be able to leave the hospital alive! Thus, she shook her head aggressively and looked at Lola. “I’m not lying. You were the one behind everything, and you were the one who ordered me to do it.”

“I didn’t! This is slander! 1-“.

Granny Atherton, upon noticing how stubborn Lola was, ordered the bodyguard, “Get her out of here now. She’s not welcome at the mansion anymore.” The bodyguards obeyed as they restrained Lola, who immediately panicked when she heard the last sentence. The only reason she was able to enjoy and live a luxurious life was because of Granny Atherton. If Granny Atherton kicked her out of home, she would become a joke within the socialite circle.

That, for her, was worse than death!

She dropped to her knees and arms before Granny Atherton. “Grandma, please don’t kick me out. Please let me stay by your side!

“I’m willing to do anything at all; I can even be your maid!”


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