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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 316

Chapter 316

Before Granny Atherton spoke about this, Catelyn did have some expectations for the Chandier Jewelry Competition. At this point, however, she felt somewhat disgusted about it.

“Granny Atherton, do I have to accept the championship?” spoke Catelyn in a tone implying that she wanted to reject her victory, much to Granny Atherton’s shock. She did not expect Catelyn to say such a thing. Kelly quickly interjected, “Miss Clark, Granny Atherton had personally investigated Miss Lola and apologized to you. Don’t be so full of yourself.”

Full of herself?

Catelyn looked Granny Atherton in the eye with no signs of cowardice. “I’m here to win with what I got, not by some sort of compensation. Now that you’ve made me the champion, what about the other contestants? Was the so-called fairness of your competition just a gimmick from the beginning?” Catelyn knew that the old lady was trying to show her goodwill, and she should stop being difficult. However, for some reason, she just could not help but feel angry.

Kelly was even more furious seeing Catelyn being rude to Granny Atherton. “Miss Clark, watch your tone!” she scolded.

Granny Atherton reached her hand out and stopped Kelly as she slowly spoke, “No one has dared to talk to me like this for a long time.” Catelyn continued, “If you’re not happy with this, the door is right over there.” Initially, Granny Atherton had a good impression of Catelyn because of her face, but at this point, she liked her even more.

“No one can say no to me. You can reject your win or expose the shady stuff in my Chandier Jewelry Competition, as long as you’re willing to let the efforts of all the contestants go to waste.”

With that, Granny Atherton turned and left, leaving a discombobulated Catelyn.

She did not want this, but Granny Atherton was not making this any easier for her.

Joanne hid in the corner silently, panicking when she saw Edwin. How she wished she was invisible!


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