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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 349

Chapter 349 Time flew by swiftly, and Catelyn never had the chance to talk to Cedrick after what happened in his office.

The day George boarded the flight leaving Sapphire City, she received a call from Janice.

Janice said that she was going to Ringo Park for a movie with Ollie and wanted to invite Catelyn along

It had been days since Catelyn had last seen Ollie, and though she informed Miles about the plans of their grand escape, she had not informed Ollie about it.

She dabbed some light makeup onto her face before she headed out to meet Janice and Ollie.

Perhaps it was because Janice was accidentally introduced into the entertainment business when she was younger that she enjoyed movies and would often go to theaters in Sapphire City whenever she had time.

Ringo Park was a famous green building in Sapphire City. Surrounded by gardens, the area was decorated with flowers and plants that grew dense during summer. There were lanterns on the edges of the roof, which added a touch of festive colors.

Cedrick, too, was one of the owners of Ringo Park.

It was Catelyn’s first time visiting, and she was guided to where Janice was seated. However, the staff was called to execute another task, so he simply pointed out the direction for her.

Catelyn lost her way when she reached the fish pond as Ringo Park was simply too big. All the buildings looked similar, and without a map or someone familiar with this place, one could easily lose their way.

In the end, she stumbled upon a closed door where she could hear ‘Marry Popins’ playing through the door.

She tried to go in, but the door was tightly sealed. As she was left with no other option but to look for another way…


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