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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 350

Chapter 350 Cedrick, standing in a distance, pursed his lips as he shot Catelyn an icy glare. Worried that he would misunderstand the situation, Catelyn hastily stepped away from the man’s arms and smiled sheepishly.

Cedrick strode toward them while Catelyn met him halfway. She had no idea why he did not reply to her message the day before, but she was willing to let it pass since he sent her lilies.

To her bewilderment, he abruptly pulled her into his arms when they were half a meter away from one another. The sheer strength in the motion placed Catelyn in an illusion that her lungs were pressed together, and she struggled to catch her breath.

Catelyn gazed up at Cedrick in shock, not knowing what possessed him. The next instant, Cedrick glanced at the man standing across him casually and uttered jokingly, “Nine, I might just get angry if you keep staring at my woman like that.” David tore his eyes off Catelyn expressionlessly. “I haven’t had the chance to congratulate you on finding a new girlfriend, cousin.” Among the main family branch of the Mason family, Cedrick was the only grandchild of the family’s elder, while the elder’s sister had nine grandchildren, with David being the youngest

Everyone would address him as the Ninth Master.

Cedrick and David were cousins and were both around their late twenties. They rarely talked and even held grudges due to certain events in the past.

When Catelyn heard Cedrick addressing the man ‘Nine’, she realized that the gentle-looking man before was the celebrated Ninth Master of the Mason family. She had heard tales of him

forcing three industrial giants into selling their properties to the Mason family with ease over a single night. Since then, he was infamously known as Cedrick’s equal.

“I’ll notify you when we get married.”


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