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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 4

“I want buffalo wings,” commanded the boy in the Bens to his chauffeur.

A troubled expression appeared on the chauffeur’s face, as the order he received was to wait for Master Cedrick with the young master. “But Master Cedrick said he’ll be here soon, Young Master. You—”

“Five minutes.” The boy raised his arm and pointed at his watch. “If I don’t see the buffalo wings, you’ll go to Grandpa Albert to get your last salary.”

The expression on the man’s face instantly transformed from troubled to fear. He knew that the young master never went back on his word.

“Stay here, Young Master, and don’t go anywhere. I’ll be back right away!” the chauffeur reminded him hastily before he carefully locked the door and rushed toward the nearest restaurant.

What he did not realize was that the boy in the vehicle had unlocked the car with ease after he was gone, and stared intently at the mother and son who walked past him.

His heart throbbed as though something was about to happen.

The boy followed them quietly and maintained a suitable distance until he saw them entering a place called Golden Sun Kindergarten. He desperately wanted to follow them inside, but he noticed the guards at the gate, and his eyes narrowed with his fringe canopying his brows.

After looking around, he swiftly found a corner to hide.

Five minutes later, at a corner two streets away from Golden Sun Kindergarten, the driver finally got the buffalo wings his young master wanted.

“Young Master, here’s you…”


Before he could finish his sentence, a crack formed on the chauffeur’s expression as he internally panicked, rambling, ‘What am I looking at? Why is there no one inside the car, when the young master is supposed to be here? Oh, no… Where is Young Master?!’

Dropping the buffalo wings, the driver frantically searched around. Time ticked by, and despite looking everywhere in the street, he could not find the boy.


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