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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 56

Chapter 56

Catelyn sneezed, triggered by her cold and the scent of the roses at hand. She immediately covered her mouth and coughed a few times; the last thing she wanted was to infect the boy with her cold.

The concerned Ollie tugged at the hem of Catelyn’s shirt and sweetly asked, “Are you unwell, Aunty Catelyn?”

“I’m okay, just a little cold.”

“You can call me Ollie or Little Ollie-just not ‘Young Master’, please” Ollie followed closely behind Catelyn as he then carefully retrieved a paper shaped into a heart and gave it to Catelyn. “I have another gift for you. I hope you like it!”

Catelyn looked at the beautiful handmade origami, her heart felt full and warm.

How adorable. This was better than the bouquet!


Still, this was the first time she met Ollie, was it not? How was he so good at this? Was this hereditary?

Cedrick did not look like the type to make his first move when it came to girls. On the contrary, he looked like the type to wait for the woman to strike up an effort first! “You don’t like it?” asked Ollie warily, seeing as Catelyn did not accept the gift.

Cately quickly accepted the paper heart and patted his head lovingly, saying, “It’s so beautiful, and you made it for me, Ollie. Of course I’d love it! Thank you so much, Little Ollie.”

“You’re welcome.” Ollie smiled bashfully, his little inky eyes bubbling with hearts. However, with the sunglasses covering his eyes, Catelyn could not see just how he adored her with his gaze.

Coincidentally, Cedrick had just returned with another designer, George Graham, and was greeted by the scene of Ollie and Catelyn looking into each other’s eyes lovingly.


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