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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 57

Chapter 57 Cedrick was just as enthralled as Ollie was as his eyes darkened.

He quickly peeled his eyes away from Catelyn the moment he realized that he had been staring, only to learn that his architect, George, had been spellbound by Catelyn as well.

It was as if everything had ceased to exist in that instant, that Catelyn was the only thing that existed in George’s world.

What an accursed yet captivating woman..

Cedrick’s expression shifted as he changed the topic to work-related matters. George was the youngest architect working under Cedrick. Catelyn had met him a few times before that, but they only had small talks.

The three of them headed toward the unfurnished mansion with raincoats as they discussed the progress. George was an architect under Mason Group, so he was naturally well-versed in furnishing houses. Catelyn expressed her opinions every now and then, working alongside George as they both focused on different areas that were correlated to one another. Cedrick felt left out of the conversation as he observed the pair going back and forth with each other.

Cedrick rubbed his fingers together and said to them, “Commence all works as discussed. I want the workers to start working within three days.”

“We have no problem with workers as they can start anytime, but the materials, on the other hand…”

Catelyn looked over at George, tucking her hair that fluttered with the breeze behind her ears. Her pale skin was akin to a glass of milk, and the veins on her nape were visible under her translucent skin.

George felt breathless for a second, but he quickly regained his senses as he responded, “I’ve spoken to the suppliers regarding the materials. I went there and double-checked everything myself to make sure that the materials are all up to standards and safe for the young master.”

“Thank you for your hard work, Mister Graham.”

“It was no trouble at all. This is all for the young master’s well-being.” George smiled, his heart thudding inside his chest.

How had he not noticed how beautiful Catelyn was before?


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