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Reborn to Revenge novel Chapter 56

While drinking tea, Mrs. Ruskin's assistant suddenly whispered something and then Mrs. Ruskin looked a little grim inexplicably, "Why does he let me go there? Doesn't he know that I don't like that woman."

The assistant was in a dilemma and whispered, "James said that after all, he left this jewelry design in that need to help him to mediate a settlement, in case that he will be embarrassed."

"What's wrong?" Jocelyn asked, "What happened to the jewelry design?"

"No problem," said Mrs. Ruskin with an impatient look. But when she looked at Jocelyn, she eased down a little.

"James has never found the suitable person before. He heard from others that Monica Tours, a new designer in Yanjing, was good at jewelry designs, so he trusted this matter to her. As a result, he has changed his mind now. He doesn't want to defend that woman but let me go to have a talk with the woman. He is really good."

Hearing the name "Monica Tours", Jocelyn felt a little cold in her heart, but still calmed down. "Is it the wife of the President of the Leonard Group, Stan Judd, Monica Tours?"

She was really greedy. Once there was a chance, she would make a good use of it to seek connections with those in power. Didn't she really know her own poor ability in designing? Once James was unsatisfied with her design, wasn't she afraid that Stan would blame her for defending James?

"That's her," Mrs. Ruskin hummed angrily.

"She is that unskillful designer who gave me a brochure and told me something privately before the auction last time when we knew each other, which almost made me lose face in front of the public. James really trusts in a wrong person this time."

Previously, on the matter of "the pendant around the eyebrows", Monica really defended Mrs. Ruskin.

"Maybe that's a misunderstanding."

"Maybe. Then she went to my home to apologize to me. I haven't seen her yet," Mrs. Ruskin twisted her eyebrows with a little anger, "But when I chatted with you before, your words reminded me. This woman is really powerful that she can let Stan marry her just after the accident happened to Leonard family."

Not only was she powerful, but also she was cruel.

Jocelyn and Mrs. Ruskin had often come out and chatted with each other at weekends since they knew each other. Jocelyn intentionally exposed some habits in front of her which Joanne had in the past, making her recall her former friend, Joanne and warning her by the way. After a long time, Mrs. Ruskin habitually hated Monica and Stan.

So even if she went to the banquet hall to meet Monica, Mrs. Ruskin would not treat Monica well.

"Mrs. Ruskin, you'd better go and meet her. The fact that what kind of person she is, is certainly has nothing to do with you, but James is your good friend. And he really hopes you to help him mediate on these occasions."

"James, an old lad, he really comes here to bother me today deliberately."

Mrs. Ruskin sighed helplessly and got up, "Then don't stay here any more. It's boring. The hot spring here is not bad. You can have a try. After I solve this problem, I'll go to see you and relax ourselves with you."


Jocelyn had guessed that What would happen in the banquet hall would embarrass Monica. She was not in a hurry to be a onlooker in case that Monica would be so angry that she would trouble her. So she adopted Mrs. Ruskin's advise to relax herself in the hot spring pool.

On the other hand, Monica understood Mrs. Ruskin's words and she realized that Mrs. Ruskin was helping James to refuse to ask her to finish the jewelry design. Although she said that didn't matter, as soon as she turned around, she looked angry.

Stan stood beside her, murmuring, "It doesn't this business has failed. You don't need to be angry. The doctor said that you had a bad fetal position, and you still need to have a good rest at home. Don't worry about the things about social relationships. I can deal with it myself."

"Originally, it's a matter of absolute certainty. As long as we help James to design a set of jewelry as a birthday gift to her mother, he will be grateful for us and we will have some connections with him. But Mrs. Ruskin has interfered this matter, and it seems that she is deliberately troubling us."


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