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Reborn to Revenge novel Chapter 57


Jocelyn suddenly woke up and carelessly slipped, drowning in the pool.

The man pulled her in time and there was only the sound of the water. When she opened her eyes again, her whole back was attached to the man's burning chest.

"Jocelyn? Are you all right?

Antony's voice came out over her head. Jocelyn looked pale, and didn't know what to say in a panic, "You...you let me go. Why are you here?You..."

She had no time to finish her speaking, nor to push Antony away.

With a loud sound "bang", the screen between the lounge and the hot spring pool collapsed suddenly, revealing a pink figure. Julia stared in shock at the scene inside the hot spring pool. She was so shocked that she screamed.

"Jocelyn, you are so shameless! Unexpectedly, you betray my brother and have a secret relationship with Antony. You..."

Jocelyn hastily pushed Antony forward.

"No, Julia, you misunderstood."

"I have seen that clearly."

Julia was so angry that she shivered. As the second daughter of Morrison family, her self-esteem and pride seemed to be trampled on by someone. She pointed at Jocelyn and shouted.

"You are shameless. You are a bitch. You have married my brother but also dare to seduce Antony. I will tell everyone that you just pretend to be weak and pitiful.'

"The truth is not what you have seen, Julia. You misunderstood."

Antony climbed up from the pool and he blushed, "Jocelyn and I are innocent. Nothing happened at all."

"You call her name so intimately. If I hadn't come in, what would have happened. no wonder," said Julia as she retreated, panicked and desperate, and tears rustled down.

"No wonder you don't accept me. You've fallen in love with this shameless woman. Antony, I really shouldn't trust in you and like you."

"It's two different things. Julia, you..."

"I don't listen to you,"Julia screamed and interrupted Antony, turning around with the corner of her skirt in her hand and saying in a hoarse voice, "I'm going to tell the people outside to come and see that a woman like Jocelyn is not fit to marry my brother at all."

As soon as she heard this, Jocelyn looked anxious. She had just climbed up from the pool and hurriedly stopped Julia.

"Don't touch me!" Julia's sharp voice pierced the eardrum and then something more serious happened.

A crisp sound of "bang" echoed in the room along with the Antony's hurried footsteps and exclamation, then, Jocelyn felt the burning pain on her left face.

"Julia, are you crazy?"

Antony pulled apart the two women and shielded Jocelyn behind him. He said angrily.

"I have said it is a misunderstanding. How could you hit Jocelyn?"

"You protect her?" Julia seemed to have been hurt harder, and she looked pale abruptly.

"I want you to be reasonable."

Apart from the pain, Jocelyn thought that Antony really couldn't do anything right. If she died here today, it would be very likely caused by his stupidity.

"Enough. Don't quarrel any more." Jocelyn covered her face and shouted, and came out from behind Antony. "I am the eldest daughter-in-law of Morrison family, and I don't need to be protected by Dr. Antony."


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