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Regretted Rejection : Wrath of the Moon novel Chapter 1

"MAYA FORRESTER..." a scream echoed from downstairs. "Get your ass down here. We are late for the warrior meeting.", Maya's twin brother Ken screamed.

"Ken... language!", their father admonished.

"But Dad... she always does this and then the pack will think I am a lazy Alpha." Ken replied whinning a little.

"Just tell me who thinks so, O mighty Alpha!, and I will kick their a... rears." Maya hastily corrected noticing her father giving her a stern look. She started down the stairs taking two at a time.

When Maya and Ken both became 19 year old, their father Justin had started their Alpha training so that he can hand over the reins of the Forrester pack to them both, with Ken as the Alpha and Maya as pseudo Luna. Though both were now in their late twenties and completely in charge of their pack, they still acted a little like kids when they were home. Their mother, Judy, had always ensured that the twins have a place where they can let go of stress and weight of the responsibility that being a pack's leader can bring; and hence, they rarely behaved their age when at home.

"Careful Maya, or you will fall." Judy, their mother chided.

Grinning from ear to ear, Maya hugged her mom and dropped a kiss on her father's balding head. "Good Morning! my dear parents. Now we will be off to harass the pack warriors and give them a hard time.", saying so she almost dragged her brother out of the door and next to the car.

Her father shook his head, a little smile playing on his lips.


At the warrior meeting:

Ken was sitting at the head of a huge conference table with Maya to his right. All the playfulness was lost from their posture and they both looked every inch the Alphas they were.

Ken's forehead vein was twitching a little, signalling his irritation to his Betas. All of the warriors; Betas and the Omegas, were showing their nervousness. The atmosphere was so thick with tension that it could be cut with a knife.

A young female Omega made the bold move and said, "We are sorry, Alpha. I know this is the third time this month that a rogue was able to get inside the pack borders. We have been doing our patrols as instructed and with diligence."


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