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Regretted Rejection : Wrath of the Moon novel Chapter 2

Ken and Maya climbed into their car with Ken in drivers seat.

"Do you think we should trust new pack members and make them warrior level?" Ken questioned.

Maya thought for a moment and replied, "My instincts are screaming No. However, if you used your Alpha command on both of them and questioned their intentions then we should be able to get a truthful answer and we will be able to judge if we should keep them or discard."

Ken nodded thoughtfully, "You did good today. Dad would be so proud." Maya simply smiled for they reached home.

Both of them walked in to the smell of delicious food wafting from kitchen. Ken's tummy growled and Maya cracked a joke about his stomach being an endless pit to which Ken simply reached out and messed up her hair.

"Lunch is ready!" Judy called as she saw them entering. Lunch affair at Forrester house was as always a light and jolly one with Ken shovelling food in his mouth and Maya telling her parents about details of pack meetings.

As soon as they were done, the twins made their way to the study to catch up on paperwork and study financials of the pack. They spent the rest of their day solving various problems and dealing with the Forrester industries which was the main source of their pack's finance.

The Forrester co. was started by their great grandfather who had seen the wisdom in staying connected with the human world by working with them. Now Forrester industries were dealing in various sectors with success.

By late evening, the twins had completed most of their work and so they came out of the study and went to their respective rooms for a little free time before dinner.

Maya tried to watch TV to alleviate her restlessness but her wolf was having none of it. Maya had a very aggressive wolf who loved outdoors and being cooped up all day inside didn't sit well with her. Maya jerked her door open and almost ran to the back door.

Wrenching it open she stepped out and after observing that there was no one around started shedding her clothes. She changed into a beautiful russet colored wolf. She shook out her fur and stepped slowly towards the forest. Her walk increased in speed and as she hit the tree line, she was running in full speed.

Maya loved these runs but today she gave the control to her wolf, as an apology for staying indoors, and retreated from their mind. Maya's wolf was grateful and started running at an even greater speed. Maya's wolf ran to a small stream that widened out into a pool. She lapped up the water satisfying her thirst.

She heard a branch snap behind her and quickly turned towards the sound, her hackles up and growling low in her throat. The wolf woke up Maya and she took over the control of their body. She contacted her brother mentally alerting him of her situation and sharing what she saw with him.

From the bushes a black wolf slowly stepped out, his eyes on Maya's. He took in her defensive posture and he stopped, cocking his head to the right. He slowly and reassuringly started towards her. Ken was screaming in her head to step back but Maya held her position knowing it would show weakness to retreat. The wolf kept coming towards her. Maya growled once again in warning but the male wolf whined. Maya was confused and Ken too stopped screaming, opting to silently observe now. The wolf was quite near Maya now and she still hadn't lost her defensive posture. The black wolf then simply laid down on his back and bared his throat to her. This further confused Maya and she bent down for a sniff. Immediately her senses were surrounded by the smell of coconut and her wolf rejoiced at finding her mate.


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