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Regretted Rejection : Wrath of the Moon novel Chapter 14

At the Border of the Forrester Pack;

Two black SUVs marked with the Council's emblem came to halt, at the break of the dawn, right where the border starts. There was a group of five werewolves standing in the middle of the road blocking the SUVs.

Beta Mark stepped forward with his team of warriors. The scene gave Maya a flashback of what happened three years ago. But she reminded herself that Maya three years ago and Maya now are two different people, in spirit and mind as well as the strength.

Maya's head lifted slightly in arrogance and she kept waiting in the car without alighting. Beta Mark got pissed because for he wanted to assert his dominance and show her that she would have to obey the rules here, that it was not her home.

"Team Leader Maya." Beta Mark greeted.

"Beta Mark, may I know why are you stopping the Council members' entry in the Forrester pack lands? Maya asked rather curtly.

"We would like to see the permission slip allowing you to enter the pack lands." the Beta drawled with insolence. This triggered Andy and he went to undid his seat belt to punch the Beta. However Maya put a hand on top of Andy's and that made the Beta grin as if he won a battle.

"Beta Mark, your Alpha came to us to ask for our help. With this display on his pack border are we supposed to think that you don't require our help anymore?" Maya said with a lazy yawn.

All the members of Forrester pack had blackened faces at her words. Finally Beta Mark bowed his head and stepped aside. Maya simply sent a lazy smile towards them and motioned the SUVs to continue their way inside the territory.

The Alpha and Luna Forrester were waiting at the entrance of the main pack building. Maya got down from her car and walked towards them. Her steps reflected confidence and power. Everyone's eyes were drawn towards her and the confidence she exuded. After so many years, Maya stood face to face with the ones that betrayed her at the most weakest point in her life. Her parents were standing behind Ken and Claire. Her mother's eyes held a shine as if she had cried recently. Xander stood a little to the side and watched Maya, with unreadable emotions playing in his eyes.

"Alpha and Luna Forrester." Maya said calmly.

"Welcome to the Forrester pack, Team Leader Maya." Claire chimed welcoming her.

Maya shot her a look and raised one of her eyebrows and said, "Thank you, Luna Forrester. However I suggest, due to the lack of familiarity between us, to call me Team Leader Wright." The Forrester pack members had their hackles raised due to Maya's behaviour. However, Maya simply ignored them and continued speaking. "It would be helpful if you can ask someone to show us to our rooms and work area, we would like to clean up and then we can set up our equipments. We had a long journey out here."

"Oh yes, how silly of me." Claire replied, "Our Pack Trainer, Xander, will show you around."

Maya nodded, not even sparing a glance towards Xander, and motioned her team members to pick up the luggage.

"You can leave that here. We will ask a member to bring it to your rooms." Xander said.

"It is fine Mr. Lockhart. We have some sensitive equipment and it is better if we handle it ourselves." Marina replied. Xander noted that Maya still didn't glance his way and his heart squeezed painfully. He took them to their rooms in the common pack house and came downstairs.


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