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Regretted Rejection : Wrath of the Moon novel Chapter 15

"Alright, let's start our work. Ryder can you start reviewing the surveillance tapes of the days on which the rogues attacked? Jeff and Andy start mapping which areas of the territory are covered by wireless cameras. Do not split up. We aren't sure about the fighting skills of the rogues. If you encounter them, then do not engage them alone. You will inform us and the Forrester pack warriors first. Understand?" Maya asked.

"Yes, Team Leader." the three of them reply back.

"Marina and I will be checking up a hunch I have. We will be in the records room. Come on people let's get to it." Maya said encouraging them.


On the Forrester pack grounds;

Andy and Jeff start mapping the cameras at the border of the pack. Occasionally, they encounter a Forrester pack warrior but the warriors ignore them and give them a wide berth.

Jeff is holding the map and Andy is checking the visibility on a small iPad. They mark off the areas that are monitored by the cameras.

They cover the entire border of the pack territory to find a loophole. However, they realise that at the border there is not a single area not monitored by the wireless camera. There are no blind spots that could be used by the rogues. It puzzled them as to how the rogues were able to enter the territory without being detected. Soon, they headed back to grab their lunch and report on the progress made.


The surveillance room of Forrester pack;

Maya's team reconvened and started reporting their work to Maya. Ryder got their lunches in the surveillance room itself and the team started discussing the case while eating their food.

Maya kept staring at the map marked off by Jeff and she was as stumped as the guys at the entry point of rogues. Ryder was talking about his observations in the surveillance footage but he noticed Maya was completely distracted. He cleared his throat and said, "Maya... Are you okay? You seem distracted."

"Yes... I am confused." Maya mumbled and continued, "Ryder, when checking the surveillance tapes did you find any children or women sneaking off the territory?"

"Actually... Now that I think about it... No, I didn't see any of the people who left the pack on the tapes." Ryder replied perplexed.

"This means that there is definitely another way to enter and exit the territory and those who left the pack must know about it as they travelled that same route." Marina chimed in excited to have found a clue. "I will place a call to few of them and find out more."

"Yes, but I am not talking about that. I am talking how would the rogues come to know about the secret route? I have been in this pack for so many years of my life and I don't know such a route exists. How could the people who have never set a foot in the pack come to know about it?" Maya questioned.

"Do you mean that there might be a pack member who is betraying the pack?" Ryder questioned.

"But this suggestion does not hold water. Wouldn't Ken Forrester as an Alpha sense such a person?" Jeff asked Maya.

"Come to think of it, Ken Forrester was not able to sense the decision of about 35 pack members who wanted to deflect to another pack. In fact he assumed that they had been kidnapped. He is the Alpha of the Forrester pack, isn't he? How come he isn't able to sense out such things?" Andy replied.

"Maybe he is losing his touch?" Marina suggested. Upon hearing her words, the three werespecies members of their team turned to her sharply. "What? I was kidding. I know that an Alpha cannot lose touch about such things. Their Alpha sense is a part of their aura and it is a birth right that cannot be taken away." Marina rattled off, as if reading from a book. She felt a bit anxious at their shocked expressions.

"Actually, Marina, an Alpha losing his touch can happen if the pack is being disbanded due to a natural phenomena. It has happened several decades ago. Most of the details are unconfirmed and possibly inaccurate. My grandfather had told me of such an incident, he wanted to warn me and Ken against doing anything that would harm our pack. But how can it happen to the Forrester pack? It does not even make sense. The Alpha is the same... " Maya trailed off.


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