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Regretted Rejection : Wrath of the Moon novel Chapter 18

The Next day;

"Grandma Jenkins? Granny J?" Maya called knocking at the door of a cute little cottage.

The path to the cottage was lined with wild flowers and the air around the house was saturated with the smell of warm baked goods. The door opened to reveal Sam Forrester. Maya and Andy, who had accompanied her, were taken aback by his sudden appearance.

"Aunt Maya?" Sam asked surprised to see them here.

"Sam? What are you doing here?" Maya asked him.

"Granny Jenkins lives alone. She likes company and she bakes awesome cookies. Would you like to try some? We just baked a new batch." Sam explained.

"Who is at the door, Sammy?" a woman asked followed by the sound of walker and some shuffling.

"Grandma Jenkins, it's Maya. I came to visit you." Maya replied coming inside the house. Andy followed her in looking around the cottage trying to locate the cookies by their smell.

"Little May? You came after a long time honey." Grandma Jenkins said. An old lady walking with the help of a walker came in the room slowly. A smile played on her lips when she saw Maya. Little blue eyes, that were surprisingly clear with happiness reflecting in their depths, stared at Maya.

She moved forward to hold Maya's hand and nearly lost her balance. Andy quickly moved forward to catch her and with help of Maya, gently guided her to the nearest seat. After Grandma Jenkins was seated and comfortable, Maya lightly admonished her to take better care of her health.

"I am fine. I am fine." she replied to Maya's nagging. "Sammy run to the kitchen and bring some cookies for the guests. And be careful they are hot..." she yelled at Sam as he ran to get them.

After Sam left to get the cookies, she continued, "I was awaiting your return Little May. You took a long time to come home."

"Granny J..." Maya began unsure of how to continue.

"Oh, I know. I know what happened sweetie. To be honest I was disappointed in Little Kenny." Grandma Jenkins continued with a sad smile on her lips. "So what brings you to my place Little May? Did you come for the cookies?" she asked just as Sam put the cookies down on the table.

"Well, cookies was the primary reason Granny J. But there's another thing I wanted to talk about. Do you know the Quinn couple?" Maya asked.

"Old lady Quinn and her husband? Yeah, they were nice people. It was unfortunate, what happened to them. So sad. And to think I didn't hear anything. Not even a scream. It was next afternoon their bodies were discovered." Grandma Jenkins said.

"Afternoon? Not in the morning?" Maya asked.

"No. You see dear, since some years the Quinn couple had stopped interacting with others much. They only interacted with people from work. So when Mrs. Quinn didn't go to the kitchen that morning, a colleague of her came down in the afternoon to check on her. That's when they found the dead bodies." she explained.

"Oh. Why did they stop interacting with neighbours all of a sudden?" Maya queried.

"I don't know, sweetie. It started the year that you left, some pack members were really sad that you left us. It felt as if happiness was slowly leaving the pack." Grandma Jenkins said, sadness in her eyes.

"Really, Granny? Because, since I came back all I have got from the pack is hostility." Maya replied a bit sad.

"Oh sweetie, I don't know what to say. But I assure you, all the people who actually knew you and loved you were very unhappy. Now, don't be so sad. You visited me after so long. Come, let me see a smile. Have a cookie." Grandma Jenkins said and turned to lift the plate off the table only to see no plate.

Maya and Grandma Jenkins looked up and saw Sam and Andy with their mouths full of cookies. Even their clothes had a lot of cookie crumbs but the plate was wiped clean. Maya raised an eyebrow at Andy and Grandma Jenkins just burst into laughter to see the two of them squirming under Maya's gaze.

Ignoring the two gluttons, Maya turned to Grandma Jenkins and asked, "Hey Granny J.. when did the Quinns' joined the pack?"

"Oh sweetie, it was the year you and Ken were born." she replied confidently.

"What? Are you sure?" Maya asked dazed.

"Yes. I remember because old Mrs. Quinn wanted to hold the two of you all the time and never gave me any turn to hold you. One day she disappeared with the two of you for some time. When ex-Luna Judy questioned her, she simply said that she wanted to show you guys the herb garden near her house." Grandma Jenkins complained.


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