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Regretted Rejection : Wrath of the Moon novel Chapter 17

At 5:00 PM;

On the Forrester pack's training grounds, Xander was concluding the training of his pack warriors. He had heard about Maya's punishment to her team members. He was purposely delaying leaving the pack grounds, simply so he could catch a glimpse of her.

Just as his warriors got off the training ground, Maya and her team walked in. Each and everyone in her team walked in perfect synchronisation, ready in their training outfit. "Pack Trainer Lockhart, do you mind if we use the pack training ground?"

"Please, be my guest." Xander replied calmly.

"Pack Trainer Xander, why don't we make it interesting?" one of the warriors interrupted.

Maya gave him a disinterested look but he still continued, "If these Wrath of the Moon team members are able to achieve their goal of clearing warrior level time set minus four minutes and fifteen seconds, we will not bother them and also help in their investigation. But if they aren't able to achieve their goal then they will leave the pack territory today itself. How about it? Do you dare?"

"Those are hardly fair terms." Maya said.

"We knew you wouldn't accept the bet. You are just a coward Maya Forrester... No, Sorry... Maya Wright" the warrior said derisively.

Xander's wolf was rising, he wanted to rip out the warrior's head for disrespecting her. Xander was struggling to suppress his wolf.

"I meant that if we achieve it then you would still be hindering us. If you were able to solve your problems by yourself, your Alpha wouldn't have called us in to save your asses." Maya stated calmly.

"You... Fine.. what do you want if you guys win" he asked.

"If we win, I want our names on the wall of glory. Agreed?" Maya asked.

"Agreed." the warrior stated.

"Trainer Lockhart, can I borrow your stopwatch and whistle?" Maya asked, looking at him.

He handed it over to her without a word. Their hands brushed and sparks flew through their body. Xander frowned as his wolf had calmed down immediately. However, Maya didn't change her expression at all and this pained him. He remembered their date, how she had took him around the town chatting with him nonstop. She had changed a lot, he realised. In the time he had spent musing, Maya's team members were already on place on the track.

Maya stepped forward and explained to her team, "To qualify for the warrior rank one needs to complete 150 laps within half an hour. The rule is that at any given point you will not be allowed to slack off in your speed. Your punishment entails that you complete these rounds in 25 minutes and 45 seconds."

Maya blew the whistle and started the stopwatch. The team members flew like a bullet from a gun, their speed and power shining through the moves they used.

After sometime, Maya's team members completed their last round and crashed to the ground utterly drained. They had seen and heard their Team Leader being disrespected and wanted to teach a lesson to the Forrester pack warriors. They hoped that they completed the punishment.

Maya walked over to them with bottles of water and Xander trailed behind her. She handed down the bottles to her team.

"Team Leader... How... How much time... did we take?" Ryder asked whizzing to catch his breath.

"You didn't complete the track in 25 minutes 45 seconds." Maya stated and her team looked crestfallen.

She continued disregarding their expression, a hit of smile playing on her lips, "You all completed the exercise within 23 minutes 40 seconds with Ryder coming in last. If you complete the track in less than 25 minutes then that means you have cleared Beta level. Congratulations Andy and Marina, you beat the current record of Beta Mark by two minutes."

Her team members started beaming and Jeff even thumped Andy's back.

"Congratulations!" Xander said drawing Maya's attention.

"The work is not done yet." Maya stated and everyone looked at her in confusion. "I have to run the track now." Maya clarified and asked Xander, "Will you time me, Trainer Lockhart?" Xander merely nodded. His wolf was looking forward to see his mate display her strength.


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