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Regretted Rejection : Wrath of the Moon novel Chapter 25

In the morning, Maya came to know from Marina all that had happened in the meeting between Dylan, Forrester family and Lockhart family. She was grateful to her brother for finally taking a stand for her sake. But at the same time she knew that their relationship could never return to what it was.

Claire was Ken's soul mate and he cannot leave her simply because she hurt Maya. As his twin she understood that it must have pained him to take this decision as he implicated his own mate. So, as thankful as Maya was to him, she still couldn't be together with him. She wished him luck in her heart.

As she stepped out of her room, a small body collided with her legs and held on to them. Maya looked down to see Sam hugging her legs tightly and looking at her with eyes filled with tears

"Hey Sam, what's wrong?" Maya asked him. She crouched in front of him. Sam didn't say anything and gave her a hug. His tears were making her feel distressed. She patted his back slowly till he got a better hold on his emotions to speak.

Sam said, "Aunty Maya, I am sorry. I... I have heard everything. Mommy and Daddy hurt you badly. That's why you said you are not my aunt and you are leaving me too. Please don't go away. Mommy and Daddy are leaving me as well. I... I..." He burst out in sobs without completing his words.

'When did he develop such deep feeling for me? Are all kids like this?' Maya thought. She patted his back gently, not knowing what to say.

"Sam..." Ken called. He was searching for Sam who had run away from him suddenly. Picking up Sam in his arms, he turned towards Maya and said, "Goodbye Maya. Have a happy and safe life ahead."

"Goodbye Ken. Thanks for everything I guess." Maya replied.

Ken gave her a sad smile, his eyes held sadness for the way their relationship turned out. As Maya turned to leave, Sam started trashing in Ken's arms. "Aunt Maya... Please don't leave go away. I promise no one will hurt you anymore."

"Sam, I have to go for my work. However, this is my number. You can call me anytime. Okay? Be good now. Grandma and Grandpa will be with you.  You are not going to be alone." Maya replied.

"No. It hurts. It hurts when you are away." Sam yelled. Maya realised that it must be the effect of natural dissolution. The Moon Goddess was sure cruel when crossed, she didn't want the Forrester family to raise Sam. Maya's wolf nudged her to pick up Sam. As soon as she held Sam, he stopped crying and laid in her arms quietly.

Ken sighed, understanding what this was about. "Take care of him, please." Ken said. Maya nodded and asked Marina to pack up Sam's things as well. Ken's eyes overflowed but he couldn't complain. It was his and his mates deeds that brought about this result.

Her team members were loading all their equipment and belongings in the SUVs. Sam was sitting besides in the back seat waiting for Maya. She was talking with Dylan about what happened between her and Xander last night.

She said, "I am taking your advice of being courageous but why do I still feel so scared?"

Dylan chuckled and replied, "It is okay to be fearful, scared and wary of him. After everything happened it is expected that you would feel this way. The fates have placed you and him at the foot of a mountain on the opposite sides. Both of you have to surmount this mountain by yourself. It will be very difficult, there will be tears, arguments, fights but when you reach the top, the two of you will be free of your burdens and together forever.

Both of you have your work cut out for you. He has to learn to forgive himself and earn your trust. You have to learn to forgive him and let yourself trust others. It may sound idealistic but you were made for each other. Have faith, in yourself and in your Moon Goddess."

"You had told me to have faith the last time I left this pack as well. It did work in my favour. I hope it will work this time as well." Maya said, giving him half a smile.

Dylan just patted her back and left to get the remaining work done. He was going to call other pack Alpha's in order to get them to accept as many pack members as possible. The remaining members would be placed within the Council in low end jobs.

Maya had waited for Xander before leaving the pack territory but he was nowhere to be seen. Giving up on searching him, she finally left with her team and Sam.


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