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Regretted Rejection : Wrath of the Moon novel Chapter 26

The former Forrester pack members were sitting in the courtroom. Their Alpha Ken and Luna Claire were on trial for treason against the true Alpha. The ex-pack members were stunned when they came to know the reason for rogue attacks and why the pack as a whole was weakened over the years. Shook to the core of their very being, the guilt they were feeling was overwhelming.

Maya arrived in the courtroom, her team members were present to support her. Xander was standing beside her, very silently. She threw a look around the court room and perched on the seat the Council had assigned to her. Claire who was looking disappointed at Ken swithed to glaring at Maya when she walked in. Her lips curled in a snarl as she wished that she could escape the cuffs and scratch out Maya's face. Ken was glancing at Maya with sadness etched in his eyes.

The three werewolves council members,  representatives of the werewolf race in the Council, were present as the presiding judges for the case. The three Council Representatives were quite impressive in stature and once they arrived, people in the court felt a slight pressure on their wolves. It was not completely dominating them but kind of reminding them of the representatives power. It was necessary to ensure peace in courtroom.

Claire's wolf quivered under their pressure. The procedure for the case started and Dylan stood up to present the case as he had investigated. The judges and the other people in the courtroom were shocked as various facts were placed in front of them. They couldn't digest the fact that a true Alpha gave up her position for her brother's sake and the whole pack turned around to betray her. The other people in the courtroom stared at the former pack members of the Forrester pack incredulously. The former pack members hung their heads in shame.

When Maya had vacated her position for Ken, her family had been grateful and praised her. But when she had needed them they ungraciously turned around and asked her to leave. The Luna of the dissolved pack had ensured that the true Alpha suffered so that she remained in power.

Listening to these facts, the frown on the face of three judges got deeper and deeper. They had a grim countenance after Dylan finished speaking. The main judge turned to Claire and Ken and said, "Is there anything that you want to say in your defence?"

Claire opened her mouth to vehemently deny the charges but before she could get any word in, Ken spoke up, "We accept all the charges placed on us and we are ready to face the punishment issued."

The main judge nodded thoughtfully and turned to Maya to ask, "Do you want any specific compensation from them?"

Maya threw a look around the room before nodding. "Yes, the company that was used to manage the expense of the pack. I want it. The pack is being disbanded and the few remaining members who were not accepted in any other pack are going to do menial work for Council. As such they will not have any use for the the company. The company was created by my forefathers and as such I would like the company to be handed over to me." she replied in a concise speech.

Everyone turned to her in shock. No one expected Maya to make a materialistic demand. If anything, they expected her to make a gesture of goodwill to show off her new position of a Council member. The werewolf Council Representatives, acting as judges, were quite surprised. If any of them had been in Maya's position they would have used this opportunity to gain sympathy which would in turn pave the way for climbing up through ranks of the Council. But after thinking about the fact that Maya was a new Council member they thought that she must be inexperienced in such matters.

"Are you sure that it is the only thing that you want?" the main judge asked in order to prompt her to make another decision.

"No. It is the only thing that I want. Please make arrangements for it as soon as possible." Maya replied calmly. Xander sat next to Maya and had his hand on top of hers. He wanted to interlock their fingers but he wasn't sure if Maya would be comfortable with it. After all, he was part of the reason she was facing this situation today.

Xander never pushed Maya to accept their relationship faster. But he went with her flow. They didn't share a room but he often slept outside the door of her room. He loved her and was using little gestures to show her how much she means to him and how sorry he was for hurting her previously.

"If that is all you want then we shall pass the judgement now." the main judge stated after a sigh. He expected more from Maya but maybe she would require time before she became aware of the hidden politics.


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