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Regretted Rejection : Wrath of the Moon novel Chapter 4

Everyone was staring at Xander and soon the group of Elders started clapping. Ken gave a discreet nod to Maya. Maya understood that with the simple gesture Ken had given his approval of her mate.

For Ken it had been important that Maya stayed well protected as she was one of the few people he loved. And Xander had shown that he was not only brawns but he could also use his brains.

"The third and the final test", boomed out one of the Elders. " Is a fight against the opponents paired with you. The only thing not allowed is cheating to win. You are allowed to attack. You must rely on the weapons given to you at  birth to win against them."

The four contenders were paired against  four already existing warriors. They stood facing each other. Justin blew the whistle, signalling the start of the fight.

The warrior facing Xander raced towards him and started attacking him in a series of punches one after the other. With him beginning to attack immediately, Xander could only defend himself. Still he tried to search for a opening to land a blow.

Finally, Xander decided to catch a punch of the warrior and twisted throwing the warrior over his shoulder. The warrior was winded for a second. Taking advantage of that fact, Xander quickly sat on his torso and attacked the warrior by punching his face mercilessly. The warrior blacked out but Xander was still going.

Ken stepped up and pulled Xander from the warrior. Xander turned, pushed him away and went to attack Ken, but Ken gave him a kick on the  stomach. Xander flew a little way back and fell on his ass. Maya quickly placed a hand on Xander's shoulder. Her touch effectively calming him.

Xander huffed out, "Sorry Alpha, I lost control of my wolf." and turned to look at Maya.

Ken nodded thoughtfully. He knew that in tests such as these, wolves often thought that their superiority is being challenged. Xander was good for a Beta level position. However they had none at this point in time.

Finally almost all the tests were done and all of the contestants had managed to prove that they were worthy of warrior positions.

Ken and Maya stepped forward together and congratulated the new warriors. Maya informed them that they now had a whole day to rest and have fun before Ken would inform them of their respective duties. All the contestants had a look of relief on their face and were smiling slightly as the crowd slowly dispersed.

The girl contestant stepped towards Xander and hugged him lightly causing Maya to stiffen and narrow her gaze. Maya stepped forward and went to yank her away but Xander saw her move and quickly caught Maya's wrist and pulled the young girl behind him. "Her name is Claire. She is my sister.", He clarified to Maya.

Maya's eyes widened and she gave Claire an apologetic look. Claire smiled and hugged Maya suddenly. Maya was pleasantly surprised, she looked up to see Xander frowning at them. She raised her eyebrows in silent query but Xander just shook his head and offered her a half smile.

Claire stepped back and said, "I wish our parents were here. They would have adored you so much." Xander visibly stiffened at her words and even Ken noticed. He came closer to the group.

"Is everything alright?" Ken asked.

"Yes." Xander replied in a clipped tone.

He turned and strode away to get washed. Claire followed him silently, subdued.

Maya and Ken watched confused after them.


A few hours later..

Maya was sitting on her back porch reading a book. Inside the house her family was enjoying their daily evening routine.

Maya gently placed her book to her side, she couldn't get the behaviour of her mate out of her mind. She knew there must be a plausible explanation to it but she wondered what it was. She was really worried.


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