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Regretted Rejection : Wrath of the Moon novel Chapter 5

Xander and Maya spent a lovely day together wandering around the city.

Around lunch time they went to a cute little restaurant. The staff at the restaurant was werewolf and they recognised Maya as their pseudo Luna and a few remembered Xander from yesterday's test. And therefore, both of them had a lot of attention of the staff. They kept on coming to greet them and possibly grab a few minutes of their attention.

When both of them left the restaurant, they were full with food. Xander turned to Maya and said, "The staff was very hospitable and the food was great."

"Yes, they were trying to please us.", Maya replied.

"Yes, they were. But we didn't get any time to ourselves. I feel that if there was a place where no one could disturb us...", he trailed off.

"Okay. There is a place just near our home that has the most beautiful pond. Almost no one goes there due to the small dense road leading to it."

Xander parked near her home. They got out of the car and Maya took Xander's hand and led him towards the tree line. She went a little inside and then sharply turned left. Both of them kept walking for quite a while till the denseness of th forest broke to reveal a small pond filled with serene water. It was a beautiful spot with trees and rocks encircling the water. There were little wildflowers of different colours growing in the gaps of rocks.

Maya slipped off her heels and climbed over the rocks a little. She went near the pond and sat on a flat rock with her legs in the water. Xander joined her, "This is so beautiful.. so serene."

Maya looked up to see him staring down at her. She smiled and laid her head on his shoulder.

"I am so sorry, Maya.", Xander murmured. Maya gazed at him confused, "What for?"

"For hurting you. Even though you are innocent, your father is not." , Xander replied.

"What? What are you talking about?" Maya asked bewildered. She suddenly felt a pinch in her neck and her world blacked out.

Xander sighed and plucked the dart that had pricked Maya in her neck. A hooded figure stepped out from the opposite side of the pond, "You realise killing her would have been easier?"

"Stop it, Claire. Our mission was to infiltrate this measly pack and make the Forrester's suffer for killing our parents. I am going to make them suffer. They took away our parents, I am going to take away their daughter. They would never know where she is but they will be able to feel her pain through their family bond. I am going to make Maya Forrester pay for her father's mistakes and make sure that they know it. Now be quick and carry her out."

"Calm down, will you? How are you going to get out?", Claire asked.

"I am going to walk out the front gate after informing them about their precious daughter."

"And they will let you go? Just like that?"

"Yes, Claire. They will. After all who other than me knows the whereabouts of their daughter? Also my dear sister, wouldn't you kill her if they hurt a hair on my head?", Xander asked.

Claire just gave an evil smirk and said, "I will head out the other way. Stupid pseudo Luna, thinks she is the only one who knows the lake."

Xander growled, "Just leave now." Claire picked up Maya and gave Xander a weird look.



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