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Regretted Rejection : Wrath of the Moon novel Chapter 8

Warning:- Violence and rape ahead in this chapter, in Maya's story line. It is necessary to develop her character ahead in the story. I am trying to keep the gory details out of the story, so the story will be jumping time a bit.


"Where is Maya, Claire? We should bring her back. Is she in our hideout?", Xander asked his eyes shining with happiness. He would be able to start a proper relationship with his mate. He won't have to hurt her. He was elated and he couldn't wait to see her again. Her beautiful eyes, her face, her smile... He missed them. His wolf was whining for him to go and get her. Xander was prepared to grovel for her forgiveness of his part in her abduction. He would finally be complete.

At his words, Claire lost the colour in her face. "Oh no.. Maya.." Claire gasped softly, "I.. I am sorry... I thought... I thought that you will not be able to hurt her... I.. so I.."

A loud growl interrupted her stuttered speech. Ken strode over to her angrily. He got uncomfortably close to her face and growled out, "What did you do to her?". He reached out to grab Claire's collar and pulled her close and stilled in surprise. His wolf had said the one word he never expected, the one word that ensured Claire's protection in the face of his anger. Mate. His wolf had proclaimed her as his mate. He let go of her and stumbled back.

Claire too had gone still in surprise. "No... No... It can't be... Oh my God! No..." she vehemently denied and started sobbing uncontrollably.

"Can anyone tell me what is going on?", Marcus yelled.

"She is my mate." Ken replied softly. He was too stunned to move.

"What? Why didn't you realise that sooner?" Marcus asked.

"Guys... I think we should be focusing on Maya here. They are mates. It's a good thing. But we need to get Maya home.", Xander interrupted.

"I.. I am so sorry.." Claire began to explain.

"Just spit it out already." Justin thundered. Ken reacted to it and placed himself between Claire and others shielding her from their glare.

"I took her to a bar. She was unconscious. I sold her to a rogue." Claire whispered the last part out. Everyone around her focused suddenly on her. Even Ken was not able to believe what he had heard.  He stepped back in shock. This time Xander growled, he began to lose his control on his wolf and started to shift. Fur started to sprout from his skin.

"Hold it Xander. We need to be focused if we are going to get her back. Reign in your wolf now. Claire tell us the details. What exactly you did? Who was the guy? Be quick. Time is of essence." Judy calmed everyone down and refocused them on the main issue.

Mary Ann interrupted, "Let's talk on the way. We should go to the bar."

Both of them were quick thinking and clever females. They were completely worthy of their Luna title. Mary Ann was disgusted with her daughter. She didn't want to be but what kind of Luna would she be if she treated others with little to no regard. She loved her daughter, was even pleased to meet her after so many years, but couldn't help being disappointed with her. She couldn't meet anyone's eyes. Mary Ann hoped for Claire's sake that Maya was found in time otherwise it would lead to a very strained relationship with her new family.

Both of the families quickly loaded in two cars. And started to head towards the bar Claire directed them to. But only disappointment waited for them. The bar was closed all it's patrons had left for the night.

"This bar... Only the lowest of low, the scum of eart visit this bar. They crack all kinds of deals here. Everything from drugs to weapons to women are sold here. What did you do Claire? How could you? You are a woman are you not? How could you hurt another woman like this?" Justin shouted finally losing his temper. He shifted into his wolf ready to tear down his friend's daughter to pieces. His wolf was going mad at the fate dealt to his cub. He could no longer keep the wolf in check and he lunged at Claire.


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