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Regretted Rejection : Wrath of the Moon novel Chapter 7

"Xander... Your parents are alive. They are here.. in this pack."

"What?" Xander asked. "You are lying.", he concluded.

"No. They are here. Let's go meet them."

"Yes, Let's meet them. You will be proven wrong. Use every cheap trick you know Justin. Let's see how far you can fall." Xander replied with contempt.

Turning to Judy, Justin said, "Call them honey. Ask them to come soon."

Judy gives a nod and looks at Xander with surprise in her eyes as if she has a hard time believing his existence. Judy picks up the landline and dials an extension.

She says, "Come soon. A miracle has happened. They are alive."

Placing the phone back in its cradle, she heads over to sit by Justin. She pulls his hand in her and says, "Don't worry. Once he gets to know the truth Maya will be back with us. It's just a misunderstanding."

Justin simply nods. Xander being sure of himself, merely smirked at them. Ken merely stared at between them back and forth, completely confused.

Soon the group could hear rushed feet and then an insistent knocking at the front door. Ken walked to the door and then opened it to see Elder Anne and her husband Mark. Ken asked surprised, "Aunty Anne, Uncle Mark, what are you doing here?". He stepped past to let them inside.

Elder Anne looked past Alpha Ken to see Xander. "Is he him? Is he my Xander? My little Wolf?", She asked her voice quivering.

Xander stood stunned, he remembered his mother calling him her little wolf.

"Come inside Mary Ann. Marcus your son is here. He is here.", Justin replied to them.

"Wait. Why didn't we recognise you? We saw you multiple times and even in the warrior test..." Marcus let his question trail off as the answer appeared to him.

"Because their scent changed a little after puberty and they were so little when we separated, they couldn't have remembered our scent." Mary Ann answered her husband. "We thought we lost you, that you were dead in the rogue attack. We tried to call you through the family bond but we couldn't reach you."

"I was knocked out in the attack. I think that the rogues assumed me dead and left. When I came to.. I think we must have been far enough so that our calls didn't reach each other. But.. how is this possible? I saw you and dad running into a room during the attack and I heard a scream and then he came out alone." Xander replied pointing to Justin, "He was smeared with blood and he smirked evilly before killing our Beta. I saw him killing our Beta."

"Xander.. Our Beta was involved with the  rogues. He had helped them set up an ambush in Claire's room. Justin killed the rogues that were in Claire's room. When we went inside a rogue flung her from the window which is why I screamed. Justin heard it, he was fighting in adjoining room. He rescued us.", explained Mary Ann.

"Justin saved us. We thought you were dead, all was lost. I was an Alpha with no pack. Justin brought us here. He helped me stabilize my wolf, nursed us back to health. When we were better, we decided to not go back to our lands. We couldn't bear to be in a place where our pups had died. Now I curse myself, if only we had went back. We would have been in the range to contact you via mind link. Call Claire here Xander. Where is she?" Marcus asked Xander.

"I am sorry. I will need a solid proof before connecting with her. You could have made up the story for all I know." Xander replied.

"Try calling each other through the mind link. It may make the bond appear." Ken replied. He appeared to be watching the proceedings with high interest. However he was desperately trying to contact Maya through his own mind link. His wolf was getting antsy.


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