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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 60



Chapter 60 Imogen Is the Mistress 

Imogen slowly walked out of the hospital, aimlessly wandering the streets

She didn’t know where to go

Despite the sunny weather, she felt a chill deep within her heart

She took out her phone, opened Instagram with her alternative account, and searched for the origin of the incident that day

Although she knew what kind of comments awaited her under those Instagram posts, she still clicked on them, scrolling down and collecting all the insults like masochism

She also went through the comment sections under relevant news articles on major video websites, finally understanding the cause of the whole incident

Lastly, she opened the Celebrity Insider and scrolled through it from beginning to end

After the news of Troy’s affair broke, some fans in Celebrity Insider kept silent, but some persisted in posting

Even she had to admit that in those videos, pictures, and artworks, Troy and Sarah looked perfectly matched

One was a wealthy man, and the other was a beautiful celebrity. They seemed to be a perfect match

In the story of the two of them, there was no place for Imogen. She was merely a superfluous character who, due to a twist of fate, appeared where she shouldn’t have

Imogen closed her eyes and edited an Instagram post with her alternative account: [Imogen is not the mistress. Sarah is the mistress.

After she posted it on Instagram, it disappeared from her homepage within seconds

Imogen confirmed it was blocked

It must be Troy protecting Sarah, not allowing any rumors harmful to Sarah to spread

Imogen smirked and edited another Instagram post: [Imogen is the mistress.

This Instagram post was successfully published

Imogen repeatedly checked her homepage, confirming that the Instagram post had indeed been published and hadn’t disappeared

There were even people who saw this Instagram post and gave her likes, commenting: [That’s right, the mistress deserves to die. I curse Imogen will never have children.

Imogen held her breath and turned off her phone

At that moment, a group of people suddenly surrounded her

Confused, Imogen looked up and was forced to stop in her tracks

Among the crowd were men and women dressed like paparazzi, holding microphones in front of Imogen’s face and cameras taking photos of Imogen


you Ms. Forbes? Is it true that Troy and Sarah are in a romantic relationship now?” 

Did you interfere in the relationship between Troy and Sarah? What do you think about the news accusing you of being the mistress?” 

What happened between you and Troy that night?” 

Regarding the allegations from Sarah’s team about your aggressive and overbearing behavior at 


work, changing makeup without authorization, what is your response?” 

Imogen hadn’t even processed what was happening before she was bombarded with questions. The microphones in front of her were full of oppression, and she felt a little suffocated

After finally regaining her composure, Imogen took a step back

Those people immediately closed in and continuously asked questions

The flashing lights made Imogen dizzy

The reporters were overjoyed. They had been squatting outside the hospital, originally expecting to capture Sarah’s appearance

They didn’t expect to not capture Sarah but instead ended up encountering Imogen, who was related to Sarah

There was a buzzing in Imogen’s head, and she replied patiently, Sorry, but I can’t disclose anything. Please don’t bother me.” 

The reporters had finally caught her and wouldn’t let her leave. They surrounded her one by one, holding out their microphones, clearly indicating that they wouldn’t let Imogen go without


What is it that you can’t disclose?” 

Ms. Forbes, is your silence an admission of guilt?” 

Ms. Forbes, I heard that Troy and Sarah are also at the hospital. Why do you appear here at the same time?” 

Are Troy and Sarah already living together?” 

I can’t give you a response. Please let me leave,Imogen said coldly

Does your silence mean those reports are true?” 

What do you think of Troy and Sarah’s relationship?” 

The reporters kept asking questions one after another, causing Imogen to suffer from a headache. Her face turned pale, and she couldn’t breathe

With a stern expression, she refused to say more. She attempted to leave several times but was unable to escape

Imogen’s impatience reached its limit. I’ll say it again, let me leave. Otherwise, I’ll call the police and sue you for harassment.” 

Reluctantly, the reporters left

The area near the hospital was always bustling with people coming and going

After the reporters left, the passersby in the vicinity stopped and pointed at Imogen, discussing among themselves

Feeling frustrated and confused, Imogen walked further and reached a bus stop. Just as she arrived, a bus pulled up, and without checking the route, she boarded it

Many passengers got off at the stop of Mount West Hospital, leaving the bus empty. Imogen walked to the back, found a seat by the window, and sat down. She stared blankly outside, lost in her thoughts

As a metropolis in the state, New York City was the fastest in development in recent years

The area near the hospital was the busiest, with restaurants and hotels everywhere

Chapter 50 Imogen Is the Mi 

Pedestrians were in a hurry, and some were holding report bags from other county hospitals

After a few more stops, pedestrians became scarce on the roadside, and the greenery along the streets became eyecatching, surrounded by tall buildings on both sides

She had entered the new district

After passing the new district, the passengers on the bus got off one after another. Only Imogen and another middleaged woman remained

Please stand firm and hold the handrail. The next stop is Huga Village.” 

The interior of the bus fell silent, with only the sound of the mechanical voice repeating its broadcasting

Suddenly, a phone rang, and the middleaged woman turned to look

It took Imogen a moment to realize it was her phone. She took it out from her bag and glanced at the screen, which displayed Troy’s name

Imogen paused for a few seconds, her thumb hovering over the screen, before sliding it to the left to reject the call

Within seconds, the phone rang again, another call from Troy

Imogen rejected the call once more, exited all apps, pressed and held the power button to turn off her phone, and put it back in her bag

The entire process was smooth and practiced

Out of sight, out of mind

Going further forward was a town on the outskirts of the city, and the middleaged woman got off the bus at the previous stop

The bus finally stopped at its terminal, and the driver unfastened his seatbelt and stepped out of the driver’s seat. He called out to Imogen at the back, Miss, this is the last stop. Please get off.” 

Miss?Seeing Imogen staring out the window in a daze, the driver called out again

Oh, Okay.” 

Imogen came back to her senses, got up, and got off the bus through the back door

Several other buses were still parked at the station, and one of them had its door open, with passengers lining up to board


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